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Through sheer luck or divine will, Aruldusk escaped the Last War relatively unscathed, even as cities and towns were destroyed around it. Thanks to its good fortune, the once small town exploded in growth, becoming a vibrant city. Commerce and visitors come by way of the lightning rail passing through the city, or along one of the three caravan routes converging there. Aruldusk caters to travelers and adventurers and features shops, inns, and restaurants that bring gold into the community. When invading Karrns burnt Shadukar to the ground, the citizens of Aruldusk feared their city would fall next. These fears were never realized. Years later, when Cyran and Brelish attacks drove the garrison from Arythawn Keep, Aruldusk again feared an attack that never came. In short, Arulduskans have much to be thankful for.   Aruldusk receives a lot of visitors thanks to the lightning rail that passes through. The rustic town has blossomed into a quaint city that caters to tourists with a plethora of taverns, inns, shops, merchants’ carts, and farmers’ wagons.   Outside of the tourist quarter, Aruldusk is a peaceful settlement. Commoners lead a simple life, attending services as the local Silver Flame cathedral and catching up on the latest rumors and gossip. Adventurers looking for trouble might find a rowdy gathering of shifter gypsies living on the outskirts of the city. The Arulduskans have little patience for the shifters.

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