
No greater population of dwarves exists on the peninsula than the number found in Erodgrimm, a mountain citadel carved into the Eorec Heights. Thousands of the stout folk work to remain both independent of the realm of the Heldrings and completely self-sufficient. From windows carved high on the mountainsides, one can see the southern plains of the Heldring to the north and the isle of Ynys Cymragh across the Straits of Daan to the southeast.   Erodgrimm was founded relatively recently, as the dwarves count the years, by a small group of survivors of the Great Mountain Clan Targ fleeing the destruction of Hazad-Burgh in 3160 I.R. As a general matter, the folk of the city rarely trade with any other than their own race. Until very recently, their citadel remained closed to the Heldring in neighboring settlements. With the exception of a few trusted humans in Suthgardt, not a single Heldring has been able to secure any of the exceptional swords, axes, shields, or armor that the expert craftsmen of the citadel create.   Numerous shrines to the dwarf-god Dwerfater are found throughout the citadel, on street corners, roofs, and fountains. The father of the dwarves is revered and respected in this mountain refuge. Several small temples are found at the outer edges of the city and are mainly attended by young dwarves and those not wishing to travel across the city to the main shrine at the citadel’s center.   A governing council of 20 lords of the original families oversees the day-to-day and long-term needs of the community. Each family is responsible for a single craft or duty within the citadel, with their lone representative attending the council on their behalf. The council works to ensure that the citadel and its residents prosper. They elect one among their number to act as lord of the citadel, though the powers of this individual, absent war or other crisis, are more ceremonial than substantive.   Five hundred well-trained soldiers protect the citadel from harm and easily drive off small raids of goblins or orcs, and sometimes greater threats of ogres, trolls, or giants. Many of the surrounding humanoid tribes avoid crossing paths with the fearless dwarves as they know their survival is unlikely during any battle.   Recently, rumors have reached Erodgrimm that dwarven ruins have been found in the Cumorian Mountains. No tales tell of dwarven folk in those peaks, so the origin of those ruins — or the veracity of the rumors — remains unknown.


Erodgrimm, City of

Lord Grisselfire V

Governing Council of Lords

unknown (guesses of 5,000 to 10,000 mountain dwarves are possible)

all manner of dark-dwelling humanoids

Dwarven; some Common


mining, trapping


Technology Level

Owning Organization


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