Kerenus sits on the shore of Lake Sekhem in the Makir Hills of northern Khemit. The primary industry here is quarrying and carving red sandstone for temples and monuments. The stone is shipped down the river on barges and used as far south as Elephantine and Luqsor. In addition, the area produces some celestite, an unusual mineral named for its pale blue color and used as a gemstone or for carvings. Kerenus is also the high seat of the temple of Geb, god of the earth and one of the most important deities of Khemit. His temple is constructed primarily of the local sandstone, but its architects also employed stone from other areas of Khemit, including white limestone from near Ghizeh, serpentine from the west, and marble, granite, diorite, and porphyry from the hills and mountains along the Ruby Sea.