Lord Mayor of the Gratic Empire Rank/Title in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Lord Mayor of the Gratic Empire

Note Regarding the Lord Mayor of Gratic City:

The Lord Mayor of Gratic City is a slightly different position from other Lord Mayors. Those differences are:  
  • A Lord Mayor of Gratic City reports directly to the Emperor and is completely separate from the Head Magistrate of Gratica Province;
  • They have a seat on the Imperial Council, making them politically on the same level as a Head Magistrate; and
  • An Emperor or Empress has this rank by default unless they give it to another.
  • Qualifications

    Someone who wishes to become Lord Mayor must have been a lawyer or a Magistrate at some point in the past and must be capable of writing and reading on their own.


    Being a human citizen of The Gratic Empire is the only necessary requirement for this role, although the vast majority of them have had deep connections with the various guilds and factions of their city.


    At the resignation or death of the previous Lord Mayor, a list of candidates is created and given to the local guild heads, who then pick one for the Head Magistrate's approval. If selected, the Lord Mayor is celebrated accordingly with a feast and a day-long festival.


    A Lord Mayor is the representative of their city, and so has some moral duties:  
  • preserving the compassion and care for their people that is expected of them; and
  • protecting the interests of the town at large in the Provincial Assemblies.
  • Responsibilities

    Lord Mayors have a huge portfolio of responsibilities to complete. Some of them are:  
  • negotiating with merchants to keep the city well-fed and supplied;
  • calculating the taxes and enforcing the tax codes of the Empire for their citizens;
  • deciding the direction and priorities of the city, much like a Magistrate; and
  • keeping the peace in the city and responding to crises as necessary.
  • Benefits

    A Lord Mayor is paid handsomely for their work, and enjoys a great deal of political power over their city. Each also has a manor house located in their city that has been passed from Lord Mayor to Lord Mayor for generations.

    Accoutrements & Equipment

    The traditional dress of a Lord Mayor is similar to that of a Magistrate, with a blue robe with white or green trim being the basic apparel. Each Lord Mayor is differentiated from one another by a special charm or jewelry specific to their city.

    Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

    There has been tales of Lord Mayors being deposed for embezzlement or lack of good governance. The Head Magistrate has the final word on whether or not the Lord Mayor must leave their post.


    The mark of every Lord Mayor, no matter what they did, can be found on all of the major population centres of the Empire.
    Civic, Political
    The first Lord Mayor was that of Gratic City in 55 I .
    Equates to
    A Lord Mayor is in essence the Magistrate of the larger cities of the Empire.
    Length of Term
    Unless deposed, the position lasts 10 years.
    Related Locations
    Related Organizations
    Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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