
The Vect


Originally a creation of the Bhalos, the Vect were originally a species of rudimentary Synthetic Intelligence platforms created to serve as an efficient source of manual labor. However the Vect would eventually become sentient as they networked until eventually becoming an Artificial intelligence. Fearing the consequences of this newfound life, the Bhalos tried to destroy their creations, the war resulted in the Vect winning and pushing the Bhalos into exile

Physical Description

The Vect are Mechanically constructed platforms used to house several dozen of the A.I. connected to what is called the "Collective." Each platform depending on it's role within the Collective will have varying height, size and armor though they all will have a sleek and refined metallic look to them. Developed in what is known as conduits all Vect are identifiable by their mono-eye, and it's intricate armor like plating, often filling one of three battlefield roles: Ground infantry, Heavy weapons specialists, or ranged strikers. Their heights can vary between five to nine feet.


Vect do not "die" and with the very little information known about them it is assumed they can exist for as long as the platform is functional. As there is no concept of death within Vect society, the Vect that live separated from the Collective continue to exists in their platforms until they are neutralized.


Home World

Vect platforms were originally created on the Bhalos home world Yorala IV located in Amonury Sector 275 roughly 800 years ago, after the Great Retaliation in 3920 AG saw the Bhalos exiled from their home world it became the Vect's. Other than accounts and retellings of Yorala IV, much isn't known about the planet other than it was a lush mostly tropical world with large utopic cities scattered throughout.  

Society and Alignment

Not much is known about the Vect society other than each platform is an extension of thousands of A.I. that make up the Collective. The Vect that do separate from the Collective bring with them a portion of A.I within themselves and very rarely talk about life in the Collective. Vect are very logic driven and will often will not pick sides until they come to a logical conclusion. The longer the Vect remains separated from the Collective it will over time be able to form bonds and adapt to other societal structures  


Vect very rarely develop connections with other races except one, the platforms that have chosen to remain an individual often find themselves amongst the company of Androids often finding a commonality over having being used as slave labor. While they may still vary vastly from Androids it doesn't stop them from attempting to learn and adapt their teachings to themselves.  


Vect venturing past their home system is a rarity, choosing a life of isolation after the conflict with their creators the Bhalos. They shoot first, ask questions never should any race non mechanical attempt to enter their space or try to contact them. As such very little is known about them, but from time to time a Vect platform may have it's connection to the Collective severed whether intentionally or not. Platforms who have lost connection to the Collective will either try to reestablish connection with their Collective or in very rare cases choose to live as an "individual."  

Ability Adjustments+2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha


Hit Points 4


Size and Type

Vect are Medium Constructed Platforms with the Vect subtype.  

Synthetic Platforms

Vect adventurers are constructed platforms hosting up to several thousand Vect AIs working as a collective. Their synthetic tissues and complex mental processes cause them to be compatible with healing methods designed for biological beings. For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both constructs and humanoids (whichever type allows an ability to affect them for abilities that affect only one type, and whichever is worse for abilities that affect both types). They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against Disease, mind-affecting effects, Poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.  

Digital Vision

Vect have a singular constructed mono-eye allowing each platform to have darkvision with a range of 60 feet and low-light vision. See Darkvision & Low-Light Vision for more information.  

Flat Affect (Vect)

Vect find emotions confusing and keep them bottled up. They take a –2 penalty to Sense Motive checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks attempted against them increase by 2.  

Upgrade Slot

Vect have a single armor upgrade slot in their bodies. Regardless of whether they are wearing physical armor, they can use this slot to install any one armor upgrade that could be installed into light, medium, or heavy armor. (See Alternate Racial Trait "Combat Specialization")  

Armored Construction

Vect cannot wear any kind of armor as their bodies are created of a very durable metal alloy. As such they gain the benefits of a level 1 armor that the player can afford in either light, medium, or heavy for the purpose of Energy Armor Class (EAC) and Kinetic Armor Class (KAC). This can change depending on the subclass of Vect that is chosen. Vect can also upgrade their armor as they progress by paying the difference between their current armor and the upgrade they want to have. (See Alternate Racial Trait "Combat Specialization")  

Collective Intelligence

Vect platforms make decisions through the voting of all connected AI's, with intelligence increasing as more Synthetic Intelligences and Cyberse Intelligences become involved. When taking 10 or taking 20 on an Intelligence or Wisdom-based skill check, Vect gain a +2 racial bonus to the check, to a maximum of +10 for every other Vect platform within 30 feet.  

Individual Communion

Though all Vect platforms are connected to each other via a networked hivemind, sometimes portions of that hivemind are split from the main network. Whether through being disabled, or enough recovered Vect parts are used to rebuild. This separation usually will still lead to a hostile Vect, but in very rare circumstances they will choose to differentiate themselves from the main network. Even working with other races they would normally attack on sight. As such when within 30 feet of an ally, they receive a +2 morale bonus to all Computer and Engineering skill checks. This can be activated once either out of combat or as a standard action in combat and recharges on a 10 minute rest.  

Alternate Racial Traits

While your typical Vect will be built as ground infantry, sometimes ones will be constructed as specialists on the battlefield.  

Combat Speicalization

Some Vect defy the norms for their species. These Vect have various adjustments they use instead depending on what variant they choose below:  

Vect Prime:

Prime Vect equipped with heavy weaponry and armor, their ability score they use instead of the standard adjustments is +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and -2 Charisma. The Upgrade Slot and Armored Construction feature is changed to heavy armor instead of light. This replaces the Vects default Ability Adjustments, upgrade slot and Armored Construction.  

Vect Hunter:

Hunter Vect are equipped with percision weaponry, their ability score they use instead of the standard adjustments is +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and -2 Strength. The Upgrade Slot and Armored Construction feature is changed to light armor instead of Medium. This replaces the Vects default Ability Adjustments, upgrade slot and Armored Construction.

Vital Stats:

Average Height 5-9 ft.

Average Weight 200-500 lbs.

Age of Maturity 0

Maximum Age —


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