
The Bhalos


Originating from Amonury Sector 275 in The Manwe Expanse the Bhalos are a nomadic species of humanoid aliens known for their skills with technology and Synthetic Intelligence. Since their homeworld Yorala IV was conquered, the Bhalos live aboard the Asylum Fleet, a huge collection of starships that travel as a single fleet.


Approximately eight hundred years before the events of 4724 AG, the Bhalos created the Vect, a species of rudimentary Artificial Intelligences, to serve as an efficient source of manual labor. However, when the Vect gradually became sentient, the Bhalos became terrified of possible consequences and tried to destroy their creations. The Vect won the resulting conflict in what has been named the Great Retaliation. Forcing their creators into exile, now the Bhalos wander the galaxy in a flotilla of salvaged ships, secondhand vessels, and recycled technology.


Physical Description

Having lived in sterile space ships for eight centuries now, the Bhalos have evolved the need for suits due to a severely weakened immune system. They must at all times wear a specially designed suit to avoid illness. A typical suit will have a helmet with a partially visible visor or a completely blackened one to hide their faces, lined with cybernetics and redundancy systems to ensure a tear or damage isn't fatal. Suit designs differ from Bhalos to Bhalos, but typically each suit will be ordained with a symbol of their home ship. For Bhalos who are elders or part of the Asylum Fleet's Assembly their suits will be even more ordained.


Home World

The Bhalos were originally from Yorala IV located in Amonury Sector 275. Roughly 800 years ago, after the Great Retaliation in 3920 AG saw the Bhalos exiled from their home world it became the Vect's. Other than accounts and retellings of Yorala IV, much isn't known about the planet other than it was a lush mostly tropical world with large utopic cities scattered throughout. The Bhalos now live on the Asylum Fleet, a collection of starships that are from what remained of their fleet after the Great Retaliation as well as salvaged and repurposed to live on.


Society and Alignment

Bhalos society is heavily revolved around family and community, having developed a culture of what the individual can do for the fleet. Once a Bhalos hits the age of maturity they go on their yatra, leaving their home to venture out into space to both gain knowledge and to find something to bring back to the fleet. Typically a yatra will last 10-20 years and most will usually bring back a starship or shuttle to enter their second stage of life. Bhalos are very rarely selfish and often find themselves wanting to help or contribute to a group in some way. However due to their past there is a sense of prejudice amongst the ones on their yatra, being seen as nuisance or a freeloader.



Often, Bhalos on their yatra will be cautious around strangers due to their inexperience with races outside of their own. Bhalos will more often than not refuse to be around individual Vect due to their conflict. They often will make easy friendships with Androids through their affinity for technology. Once a Bhalos becomes trusting of another it is very hard to break it, forming a deep connection that can more often than not turn into a romantic intention.



Bhalos are typically adventurous once they reach the age of maturity, wanting to explore the The Conclave and other systems within the Vellentari Expanse. With their proclivity for tinkering with mechanical parts and computer systems you will most often find Bhalos aboard ships as engineers, or computer experts.


Ability Adjustments+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha


Hit Points 4


Size and Type

Bhalos are Medium humanoids with the Bhalos subtype.

Augmented Vision

Bhalos with their suit augments are used to seeing in the dimly lit and dark corridors of the Fleet ships. Bhalos get Darkvision up to 30 ft. and Low-Light Vision as if it were normal light.

Machine Masters

All Bhalos are part of the upkeep of the Asylum Fleet and so must be trained in the ways of machine and computer maintenance. Bhalos receive a +2 racial bonus to Engineering, Computers and Physical science checks.


Bhalos love to tinker with equipment and can on the fly apply a quick fix to them. As a move action, a Bhalos can remove the penalties associated with the Broken condition from a single piece of equipment until the start of his next turn. The item then becomes unusable for 10 minutes (and retains the broken condition after that until it is fixed).

Suit Dependency

Due to a severely weakened immune system, Bhalos must at all times wear specially adapted suits in order to avoid severe illness. When purchasing or crafting armor, you can pay for it to be adapted for Bhalos use for an extra 15% of the suits cost. Found human armor can also be adapted for the same cost by a person capable of crafting such armor. This functions as having the filtered rebreather armor upgrade installed, but does not occupy an upgrade slot. This armor then only functions for Bhalos. A Bhalos without an environmental suit or it has taken enough damage to let in the air of a non-sterile environment must a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw for every three hours spent without the suit, rounded up, taking 1 point of Constitution damage for every failed saving throw.

Dextro-amino Acid Based

Bhalos are dextro-amino based lifeforms, and so can only consume dextro-amino acid based foods, available at all settlements where Thelvon or Bhalos are found. If they consume evo-amino acid based foods, they must succeed on a DC 20 fortitude save or take 3d6 damage gain the sickened condition for 24 hours due to an allergic reaction.

Vital Stats:

Average Height 5-6 ft.

Average Weight 100-200 lbs.

Age of Maturity 16 years

Maximum Age 140+2d20 years


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