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01 Hidden Truths

General Summary

After Action Report: Aranak Pirate Asteroid Base

  Specialist 1st class Zax, LBF referred to as Agent C în te following, reports.   The following is a direct retelling of the events that took place on 2312.4394.4 Lok Hexcal - 15.07.2297, Standard Sol Calendar during a classified mission to recover missing goods hijacked through pirate activity. Myself - Agent C, Lok male, second third - science and nanohealth specialist, along with Agent A, Human female, first third, military psion manifester and agent B, Human male, first third, weapons and computer hacking specialist were present.   We arrived in the Aranak sector in the UNES Specter piloted by myself and immediately identified energy signatures in the accretion disk around the young star. We narrowed it down to a small area in the 2.3 AU belt and we discovered a generic looking asteroid that had been modified to serve as a camouflaged depot for stolen goods. After attempting a stealthy approach we connected the ship with the airlock and prepared for a direct solution.   As soon as we stepped outside of the airlock we came under heavy fire in a corridor (Marked A in included schematics - Attachment 01) by Tzynn opponents. Agent B took a hit but managed to take the first assailant down. Agent A advanced through the corridor but was taken down by a second Tzynn assailant (marked timestamp A in attached drone footage - Attachment 02). Agent B managed to dispose of two sentry turrets that had been activated by the opponents and then take down the second Tzynn who had engaged with myself, clawing at my side. After making sure there was no lasting damage done to Agent A and bandaging agent B and myself we took a short breather. In the meanwhile agent B managed to aquire a ceramite armor chestpiece and I discovered the before-mentioned schematics and an advanced scanning module.   After opening the door we proceeded to a large warehouse (Marked B in included schematics - Attachment 01) with a few scattered crates. We identified signs of battle (marked timestamp B in attached drone footage - Attachment 02) and identified the missing cargo crate, marked in Scyldari alphabet, with only trace remains of the contents. After discovering an administrative area in the warehouse (Marked C in included schematics - Attachment 01) we decided to search the logs on the terminal . Prior to this, however we identified a dead Xani body stuck in one of the supply lockers. Upon thoroughly searching its body (marked timestamp C in attached drone footage - Attachment 02) we recovered what seemed to be a detachable airlock switch. Next, Agent B attempted to access the terminal and, after a riveting success, allowed us into the device’s logs. Logs are fully available as Attachment 03 but, in brief, the Xani warehouse keeper and likely permanent staff. It seemed the base was indeed a pirate hideaway and pirates had indeed arrived, the survivors of the Cutthroat, a pirate vessel which had eluded capture with valuable cargo. After a week or so it seems a conflict had broken out between the band’s leader, a large Tzynn called Hermaz and some of his men. In the following combat it seems some of Hormuz’ opponents managed to escape in their initial shuttlecraft. Stranded in a secret base with no hope of rescue, the remainder of the Tzynn were being led by an increasingly erratic commander, whom the Xani managed to lock up in the Command and Reactor module (Marked E in included schematics - Attachment 01) an event that no doubt led to his death. Agent A claimed to have seen a shape of the aforementioned Hormuz but a review of functioning security cameras (Attachment 05) is inconclusive.

We decided to try and recover the missing cargo so we proceeded through a narrow alcove-lined corridor to the mess hall (Marked D in included schematics - Attachment 01) where the remainder of the Tzynn pirates engaged us. Agent B made short work of the first two Tzynn, with a further three engaging us with assorted weapons. Agent A who had been hiding and firing at them was grievously injured in the chest, while Agent B, who had terminated most of the others came to be menaced by a large Tzynn while his gun was out of ammo his gun out of ammo. I stepped to the plate and blasted the last tzynn in the back of the head before rushing to Agent A’s aid. After recovering some weapons and healing Agent A once more, we proceeded to the Command and Reactor module.   Opening the door with the handle we had discovered earlier, we stepped into a steam-filled reactor control room but with no trace of the Pirate leader. After some terminal hacking from Agent B we managed to re-start air conditioning, some unspeakable pulse racked our brains, causing Agent B to drop his weapon. Descending to the second reactor level we uncovered where Hormuz was. He looked really injured and in a lot of pain but was incredibly hostile and was unable to communicate in known language. After a brief initial firefight, the creature was injured greatly but so was Agent B, who had been shot in the back (marked timestamp D in attached drone footage - Attachment 02). After attempting a few shots I too was blasted by the Tzynn’s what-can-only-be-described-as-a mind-pulse. What happened next is unclear, as I was not there to witness it. What is certain is that it involved a lot of blood, ripped machinery and bodies being cast about. According to agent A what happened was “nothing” but drone footage shows her behaviour drastically changed as well as her being covered in blood, mostly Tzynn blood. Drone footage however, shows agent A retrieving the passed-out forms of myself and agent C, then taking us back to the ship, myself being carried while agent B was being carried around floating. After taking us on board Agent C tried to separate herself from us, staying on board the station but myself and Agent B carried her to the diagnostic tube and went to retrieve our missing gear and the missing goods. Along the way we dscovered the broken mass of Hormuz (marked timestamp E in attached drone footage - Attachment 02) who had been sliced in half down the middle, an impossible task for most.   Having secured most of the cargo, myself and Agent B took the ship to the edge of the system and plotted a way to Zalax station for debrief.   Brief Reports:
Enemies Defeated 10
Injured Agents 3
Mental State Exhausted
Physical State Injured
Locations Explored 1
Mission State Success 7/10

Rewards Granted

Particle Gun
Tzynn Gunblade
2 Zro Doses
  1 Advancement

Missions/Quests Completed

Hidden Truths - Succeed in the initial assignment from Federation Naval Intelligence

Character(s) interacted with

Admiral Mik J’kanna - Scyldari high command   Hormoz - Tzynn Pirate Captain (Deceasad)
Report Date
26 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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