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Star Name Zalax
Class G
Age 4.5 billion years
Temperature 5740K
Size 1.2 R

  A healthy class G star with an otherwise barren system, Zalax could have been a binary system were it not for its largest planet, super-Jupiter Zalax V being just shy of the critical mass for a brown dwarf. Its other four worlds are lifeless rocks, lacking any sort of atmosphere and with few critical resources to boot.

Zalax is, however, a powerful choke point for access into Scyldari and UNE space and was one of the first joint defense projects of the two species, even before a federation had been considered. The Zalax route had been one of the primary access points into Scyldari space for pirates, Tzynn slavers and others. With the aid of UNE technology and resources, the Scyldari built one of their largest installations, a military platform and anchorage for the border fleets that ensures no enemy will enter Federation space without a fight.

  Zalax is also home to the only wormhole in allied space, though there is a non-functioning gateway in the Cromwell system (Sol Sector) and a mysterious L-Gate in the Lokken teritories. The theoretical toolset needed to stabilize and travel through wormholes without risk of collapse has, however only recently been developed by the Lok, so the wormhole is only currently being explored.   Zalax Star Fortress   Built nearly three decades ago and gradually upgraded to its present configuration, the Zalax Star Fortress is a landmark defensive project, and one that guards the biggest choke point on the edge of so-called "free space". Zalax station is home to, at any time, up to twelve thousand people, the majority of who are military or federation staff. These twelve thousands are divided between five zones - the anchorage yards, crew quarters, the Core, engineering and the Upper Spire
  Engineering is the lower level of the station, and the place for most of its service facilities. This means that wastewater, recycling, de-radiation and other reclamation processes take place here, as well as ordinance disposal for the fleet. Rumors of hidden brothels, gambling halls and speakeasies in the engineering section make it a draw for those on the lookout for unsavory fun as well.
  The anchorage yards take up the majority of the station's outside ring. A large, circular section of docking bays, connector airlocks and resupply warehouses this is one of the restricted sections of the station, accessible only to staff and military personnel. Resupply pods and repair drones offer basic maintenance services to as many as fifty ships at once.   To expedite ship repairs and maintenance, Zalax Station has crew quarters set up in a large part of its central spire. Generous by station sizes these quarters come in one, two and four bed varieties and offer in-room food facilities, private showers and Scyldari soak pools as well as work and leisure consoles. These temporary quarters are allocated at no cost to military personnel and a small fraction can be rented by private ship crewmembers. Indeed they have to be rented by crewmembers from ships undergoing extensive maintenance or repairs, as civilians are not allowed on the anchorage deck.   The crew quarter section connects to the station core, developed in and around the original outpost frame. This is the station's commercial hub, with shopping areas, food courts, a large entertainment complex, healthcare and exercise facilities and three 200 meter diameter, 30 meter deep tide pools. The core is also where most of the station's permanent staff lives, in rather cramped quarters, especially since the clearing of the Upper Spire for military personnel.   The Upper Spire of the Zalax Star fortress is the home of the station's Military command nerve center, hosting a massive defense supercomputer design to manage firing solutions from the ship's eighteen state of the art defensive platforms, as well as several laser and gun batteries, missile launchers and three strike squadrons. Higher are several levels holding federation offices, mostly federation navy related. Near the top of the spire three decks have been restricted to all access, and designated classified.   Zalax Station - Demographics:
Starbase Class Star Fortress
Population Approx 12000 (2120 permanent staff)
Breakdown by species 43% Scyldari
40% Human
  13% Lok
4% Other
Breakdown by rights 98% Citizens
2% Residents
Breakdown by jobs 12% Command
cca. 50% Temporary Military Personnel
17% Permanent Staff
14% Federation Personnel
cca. 7% Classified
Breakdown by permissions 19% Tier 4 (incl. Upper Spire)
27% Tier 3 (incl Anchorage)
4% Tier 2 (Incl Engineering)
50% Tier 1 (Core + Crew)

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