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Óros Nýchi

Óros Nýchi is the highest point on the island of Ichnusa. The mountain has multiple mysterious ruins located on its slopes, and a megalithic ziggurat at the summit. The ruins are made of gigantic blocks of stone, and mostly consist of round tower-fortresses which look like they have been damaged by war. Some of the great stones are broken or even crushed, and some of the interior spaces still bear signs of ancient fires. The Leonaragians claim that the fortresses have been ruins since before the dawn of time, and may have actually been built as ruins, rather than ever being functional fortresses.

The ziggurat at the peak is the most unusual feature. It covers an area 120 feet by 120 feet, in a place where the mountaintop has been leveled out. Seven-foot tall menhirs surround the central building, each marked with ancient symbols that are indecipherable due to the impact of time and weather. Those who pass the line of menhirs find themselves irresistibly drawn to climb the ziggurat and stand at the peak, often without even realizing they have done so until they find themselves gazing at the open sky. Leaving the roof is also difficult, and some people have spent days staring upwards before hunger and thirst force them them descend again. The Leonaragians refuse to enter the compound, as not all who make the final ascent come back again.

Only a few reports of the path up the mountain are available, due to the dangers inherent in landing on Ichnusa. What records exist are from those who managed to avoid capture by the man-eating Leonaragians. Only a handful of adventurers have ever made the climb up Óros Nýchi and returned to tell of it, and few see any reason to return. The only reason even those few have made the journey is due to rumors of a vast treasure buried somewhere beneath the ziggurat, but most believe this is no more than a legend.


The mountain is located slightly to the east of Ichnusa's center point, and provides an excellent vantage point. On a clear day, almost the entire coastline is visible from the peak. The mountain is fairly easy to climb, with several easy approaches. Large, shaggy wild cattle graze on the lower slopes, and can be aggressive towards anyone invading their territory.

Mountain / Hill
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 33.91 degrees North
Longitude: 27.65 degrees East
Elevation: 5,948 ft


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