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Lamos (ˈla.mos)

"Any who encounter the Leonaragians would be justified in doubting that they could have built Lamos. While they have intelligence to do so, their ceaseless aggression towards each other and everyone else makes it hard to imagine them working together to build anything, much less a city. But all the histories agree that Lamos was built by their ancestors. It makes one wonder what happened to make them the creatures they are today." - Callisthenes of Macris

Lamos is the city of the Leonaragians, located on the northern coast of Ichnusa. It is a grand city built of titantic stone blocks, with wide streets and massive buildings. Throughout most of the year, the city is empty; the Leonaragians do not live there, preferring to spend their time hunting in the wilds of Ichnusa. However, several times a year, they converge on the city to hold great feasts. Each Leonaragian brings as much meat as they can carry to the city, and will even use other creatures they have captured (such as unlucky sailors they may find stranded on the shore) to carry more. The amount of food each one brings to the feast serves as a mark of status among them, with the one who brings the most treated as a temporary leader of their group.

The Leonaragians are giants, each one around ten feet tall, with sharp teeth and vicious tempers. They are extremely territorial, and it is unknown why they continue to gather in Lamos every few months. The schedule of their visits is unpredictable by outsiders, and those who have explored the city report that there is no safe time to be there.


Only Leonaragian come to the city often, and even they are only there three or four times each year. The rest of the time the city is left to whatever animals choose to nest within the great buildings.


The Leonaragians only barely tolerate each other's company, and spend most of their time on their own territories around Ichnusa. When they do gather in Lamos, the one who brings the most food to the feast is treated as the leader, but this means little. Disputes are common, and resolved by individual combats, and no attempts are made to control or constrain anyone's activities.


The city has several areas which might have been districts when it was built, but are no longer used. There is a harbor area with stone quays for ships that never visit. The center of the city is a vast plaza flanked by grand temples; this is where the feasts of the Leonaragians are held, and are stained with ancient blood. To the south of the plaza are hundreds of smaller buildings that look like they were homes, with doors too small for the Leonaragians to enter easily. According to some adventurous travelers, there is an extensive system of sewers and catacombs beneath the city as well, and it very well may hold undiscovered treasures, or the truth about the city's past.

Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Ichnusa, Southeastern Region
Latitude: 34.84 degrees North
Longitude: 27.83 degrees East

      Librarian of Foxbridge

      Librarian's Note - What happened in Lamos?

      The histories of the Leonaragians seem to indicate that they were not always as we see them today - in fact, that they were once humans not too dissimilar from the other communities of the Great Ring. So, what happened to make them into monsters?

      I believe they are a victim of their own propaganda. During the days after the fall of Muria, the Leonaragians chose to spread stories of their power and ferocity in battle, in the hopes of keeping potential enemies far away. Even then, they were isolationist and xenophobic, and did not welcome visitors or foreign trade to their shores. Over time, the stories they spread to drive people away became exaggerated, becoming more terrifying and outlandish. By the time Callisthenes of Macris wrote of them, the Egregoric Force had carried their tales home to Ichnusa, and had been shaping them to better fit the stories for generations.

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