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Akhaw (ˈɑkɦɑʊ)

Akhaw is a small island in the Sabaen Archipelago. Once, it was part of the island pair known as Al-Tawam, or "The Twins". But the Bhaw, other island in the pair, was destroyed after the inhabitants rebelled against the newly established Malikate of Saba. Bhaw became an object lesson of what happens to those who defied the Malika of Saba, and was wracked with earthquakes until it sank below the ocean. On nearby Akhaw, the waves flooded nearly the entire island, and only those who could reach the upper slopes of Jabal Hajar were able to escape drowning.

Since the sinking of Bhaw, Akhaw has been known as an island of grieving, sorrow, and impotent rage. The Deva of Akhaw has never forgotten the slaughter of their twin, but as a small island they lack the spiritual power to challenge the Malika unless she came to the island in person. Moreover, none doubt that the Malika could and would sink Akhaw as well.

The spiritual atmosphere of Akhaw is oppressive to most people, and there is only one village that remains, Hazin. Few who are born in Hazin choose to remain as they grow older, but there are those who seek to live on Akhaw. They are usually those who have suffered grievous loss and want to be someplace that understands the wounds upon their soul. While some people who come to Akhaw find a way to leave again, many remain upon the island for the rest of their lives, literally living inside a place of grief and mourning.

Notable Spirits

The deva of Akhaw, when they choose to manifest, appears as a beardless young man with a shaved head, wearing clothes that are torn and stained. Their name has been forgotten - some say that the Malika of Saba purged it from the Dream with her magics to limit the spirit's power to retaliate. The deva does not speak except to wail and roar madly at the sky and sea, and few choose to pursue them for any divine patronage.


Akhaw is a rocky island that thrusts high out of the sea. The coastline is mostly tall cliffs, and at the center of the island is the mountain Jabal Hajar. There is little fresh water on Akhaw, only enough to sustain the village of Hazin. Once it was said there was more, but the springs and wells became first brackish and then dried up after the destruction of Bhaw. There is little plant life on the island, but seabirds are abundant and can be found nesting in all the cliffs along the coast.

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Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 9.62 degrees North
Longitude: 34.34 degrees East
Average Elevation: 256 ft
Highest Point: 2,382 ft (Jabal Hajar)
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 15 sq mi

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