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The Biegen people are a proud and independent tribe who call the rugged and mountainous Eg Island their home. Though small in size, the Biegen have had an outsized impact on the history of the islands. They are a fierce and respected warrior culture, with a strong tradition of metalworking, shipbuilding, and seafaring.

According to Biegen legend, their ancestors were led to Eg Island by a great warrior-chieftain named Scyld, who sought to establish a new home for his people. Upon reaching Eg Island, Scyld and his followers found a wild and untamed land, full of towering mountains, dense forests, and treacherous seas. But they were undaunted, and they set about taming the land and building their new home. The Biegen people still honor Scyld as a hero and a founder of their nation, and his name is synonymous with courage, strength, and honor in their culture. He is considered the founder and first Cyning of Egþeod, the nation of the Biegen.

Over the centuries, the Biegen people prospered and grew in numbers. They established a powerful warrior tradition, honed their skills as metalworkers and shipbuilders, and became expert navigators and seafarers. Many Biegen served as mercenaries and soldiers for neighboring kingdoms, earning a reputation as fierce and reliable warriors. Their most famous engagement was in the Age of Warlocks, when they fought on Ynys to overthrow the Clarati who had seized control of the island.

The Biegen are a patriarchal society, with the eldest male in each family serving as its head. They place great value on honor, courage, and loyalty, and their warriors are trained from a young age in the arts of war. The Biegen are also known for their skill in metalworking and shipbuilding. Their swords, axes, and armor are highly sought after throughout the region for their quality and craftsmanship, and their ships are renowned for their speed and maneuverability. They have a deep respect for the natural world, and their religion is centered around the worship of the sea, the mountains, and the land. They also have a rich oral tradition of storytelling and poetry, and their bards are revered for their ability to weave tales of heroism and adventure.

The Biegen are a proud and independent people, and they have often been at odds with neighboring kingdoms and tribes. They have a particular enmity towards the Ðurings, whom they see as rivals and enemies. The Ðurings are a neighboring tribe who have long been at odds with the Biegen, with conflicts ranging from minor skirmishes to full-blown battles. The Ðurings are known for their fierce warriors and cunning tactics, and they are widely regarded as a formidable foe by the Biegen people.

The Biegen who live on the island of Ynys are a significant population and have played a crucial role in the island's history. They are known for their fierce and independent spirit, strong warrior tradition, and exceptional metalworking and shipbuilding skills. The Biegen on Ynys are descendants of the mercenaries who fought in the Age of Warlocks, and they continue to serve as soldiers in the armies of neighboring kingdoms.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Æthelthryth Eadgyth Hild Ælfgifu Æthelflæd Eadburh Þryth Æthelwynn Mildburh Ælfflæd

Masculine names

Æthelwulf Beornheard Cynric Ecgfrith Æthelred Godric Æthelstan Leofric Wulfric Æthelbald

Unisex names

Æðelflæd Cenwalh Ceolwulf Eadweard Hroðgar Osgyth Sigeweard Thurcytel Wynflæd Æthelstan

Family names

Wulfstan Eadgar Leofric Godwin Beorhtsige Ælfweard Wigstan Ælfric Sigeberht Þurstan


Major language groups and dialects

The Biegen speak Inselsprach  which is closely related to Eyjamaður, and they share it with their close neighbors on Slesvig and Eotland. However the Biegen language has developed its own unique dialects and regional variations.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Biegen people have a rich and vibrant culture that is deeply rooted in their history and traditions. They take great pride in their metalworking and shipbuilding skills, which have been passed down through generations, and are renowned throughout the region for their craftsmanship. The Biegen also have a strong warrior tradition, and their soldiers are highly respected for their fearlessness and tactical prowess. Music and dance are also an essential part of Biegen culture, with traditional songs and dances performed at festivals and celebrations.

Shared customary codes and values

The Biegen people are known for their strong sense of community and loyalty to family and tribe. They place a high value on honor, courage, and bravery, and these traits are often associated with their warrior tradition. The Biegen also have a strong sense of justice, and they have a complex system of laws and customs that govern everything from disputes between individuals to the conduct of war. Hospitality is also highly valued among the Biegen, and guests are treated with great respect and generosity.

Common Etiquette rules

Biegen etiquette is based on respect for tradition and authority, as well as a strong sense of social hierarchy. Respect for elders and those in positions of authority is highly valued, and deference is expected in social interactions. Hospitality is also an important part of Biegen etiquette, and guests are often welcomed into the home with a gift or token of appreciation. However, directness and honesty are also highly valued, and Biegen are known for their frankness and plain-spokenness.

Common Dress code

Biegen dress is typically practical and functional, with a focus on durability and protection against the elements. Men often wear tunics or shirts made of wool or linen, along with leather boots and leggings for protection against the rugged terrain. Women's clothing is also practical, with long skirts or dresses that allow for ease of movement. Both men and women may wear cloaks or capes for warmth and protection from the wind and rain. Jewelry is often simple and understated, with metalworking being a highly valued skill among the Biegen.

Art & Architecture

Biegen art and architecture is often characterized by a simple and functional aesthetic, with a focus on practicality and durability. Stone buildings are common, particularly in more urban areas, and are often decorated with intricate carvings and metalwork. Woodworking is also highly valued, and many Biegen homes and structures feature intricate woodcarvings and decorative beams. Biegen art often features bold, simple designs with strong lines and geometric patterns, and may incorporate natural elements such as plants and animals.

Foods & Cuisine

Biegen cuisine is hearty and filling, with a focus on simple, traditional dishes made from locally sourced ingredients. Meat and fish are common staples, and are often cooked over an open flame or in a stew. Vegetables are also popular, particularly root vegetables such as turnips and potatoes. Bread is a common staple, often made from wheat or rye flour, and may be served with butter or cheese. Beer and mead are the most common alcoholic beverages, with wine and spirits being less common due to their expense and rarity.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Biegen people have several customs and traditions that they observe throughout the year. One of the most important is the summer solstice festival, where they celebrate the longest day of the year with feasting, music, and dancing. They also have a tradition of giving gifts to guests and visitors as a sign of hospitality and respect. Family is highly valued in Biegen culture, and they have a custom of gathering together for meals and celebrations, often involving the entire extended family.

Common Taboos

They have a strong taboo against cowardice in battle, and those who are deemed to have acted in a cowardly manner are shunned by the community.

Common Myths and Legends

The Biegen have several myths and legends that have been passed down through generations. One of the most famous is the legend of Bieggan the Brave, a warrior who defeated a powerful dragon and saved his village.

Historical figures

There have been several major historical figures in Biegen history, including Eadric the Black, a Biegen soldier who rose to become a trusted advisor to the king of Elmet. There is also Cynric the Conqueror, the founder of the kingdom of Deira who is revered as a hero and celebrated for his military conquests.


Beauty Ideals

The Biegen people value physical strength and prowess, and as such, they tend to admire traits such as muscularity and athleticism in both men and women. However, they also place a strong emphasis on personal hygiene and grooming, with long hair and well-kept beards being particularly admired among men. Women are often judged on their fertility and ability to bear strong children, as well as their physical attractiveness. Pale skin is also considered desirable, as it is seen as a symbol of wealth and leisure, as those who spend more time indoors and away from physical labor are more likely to have lighter skin tones.

Gender Ideals

The Biegen are a patriarchal society, with men traditionally holding positions of power and authority in both the family and the wider community. However, women are not considered inferior or subservient, and they are valued for their contributions to both the family and society as a whole. Women are often involved in the running of businesses and households, and they may also be skilled craftswomen or warriors. In some cases, women may even hold positions of power or authority, particularly in times of war or crisis.

Courtship Ideals

Biegen courtship is often initiated by the man, who may offer gifts or tokens of affection to the woman he is interested in. Once the woman accepts, the couple may begin courting in a more formal sense, with chaperoned visits and public displays of affection. Marriage is seen as a partnership and a union between families, rather than just between two individuals, and as such, the consent of both families is often required before a marriage can take place. Once a couple is married, they are expected to remain faithful to each other for life, with infidelity being seen as a serious breach of trust.

Relationship Ideals

Biegen relationships are based on mutual respect and trust, with both partners being expected to contribute to the partnership in their own way. Men are typically responsible for providing for the family and protecting them from harm, while women are often responsible for running the household and raising children. However, these roles are not fixed or inflexible, and couples are encouraged to work together and support each other in whatever ways are needed. Communication and compromise are also highly valued, with open and honest communication being seen as a key component of a healthy relationship.

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