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Coille Òran

"It's always nightime in the Coille Òran" - Arvandus, Wizard of Creoda 
  The Coille Òran is an ancient forest on the island of Motha, surrounding the base of Beinn Aerthar. It is the home of Aonadharc, the unicorn god of Motha, and it is considered sacred by the Dòbhran Selkies  It is one of the world's Wild Places, where the physical realm is closely entangled with the dream  and spirit realms. The trees are ancient and enormous, and even in the day the forest floor is a maze of shadows. Great stones stand among the trees, sometimes in circles but more often alone. The mists that wreathe the peak of Beinn Aerthar hangs over the canopy, with the glowing lights called spunks dancing within it. These can sometimes descend into the forest, but visitors are warned against following them. In general, people are told to stay out of the forest entirely - it is very easy to become lost there, and it is said that only by facing your true self can you find a true path out of the woods. 

Notable Spirits

The forest is the center of power for Aonadharc, and this god is the supreme power within its bounds. The forest is also known to be a place where Cailtram the King of Dreams can sometimes be found, although he does not sleep within the forest's bounds. People also speak of a spectral dragon whose name is not known that lies deep within the forest, guarding a nest of eggs that may one day hatch.


The forest grows around the base of Beinn Aerthar, and partially up the slope. The interior of the forest is largely unmapped, and some of those who have wandered under the trees claim that it is much larger on the inside than it appears from without. Somewhere in the forest is a still pool called the Lòn Fìrinn - those who drink from the pond will find that they cannot utter any untrue word for a day afterwards, even if it is something they believe.


The forest is home to many species of trees and animals. Oaks are the most common tree, and they grow larger here than anywhere else in the Great Ring. Deer and wild boar roam the forest, but there are no wolves here. One notable species is the pearl-eyed mushroom. It grows deep in the forest, and if eaten, it induces halluncinations that are said to be prophetic.


The forest has a climate unlike the rest of the island, seeming to be a part of a single long night in the mid-summer. Even when the rest of Motha is blanketed in snow, the interior of the forest remains warm.

Natural Resources

Coille Òran is the only significant source of trees in the Arcaibh, but it is very lightly logged. The Dòbhran only take trees from the very edge of the forest, and only those that have grown in living memory.
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 59.43 degrees North
Longitude: 72.11 degrees East
Area: 33.69 sq mi


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