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Dissolutio Identitatis (dis.soˈlu.ti.o i.den.tiˈta.tis)

"When I shaped the local metaphysical environment to magnify the impact of the Egregoric Force, I did not anticipate all of the consequences it would have. - excerpt from Celestina's research notes

When the Clarati sorcerers conquered the Ynys Archipelago, it was so that they could acquire a large number of active minds for the study of the Egregoric Force. On the island of Oileán Fiáin, the sorceress Celestina altered the nature of the local Folk Magic to amplify the impacts of collective belief, so that she could observe the effects of the force over an accelerated timeline. Her experiments had a number of interesting results. For one, the Fae split off from the Ellyll entirely, becoming a distinct family of Numina unique to the island. The frequency of Invasive Narratives went up dramatically, especially in the region around Aerendel where Celestina had her residence. Also, connections to lands partially or totally within the Dream were stronger, allowing easier travel to fantastic locations such as the Dolphin Islands or Baille Mel.

One impact that Celestina did not anticipate was how the enhanced Egregoric Force would impact an individual who became the focus of collective belief. Most of the time, creatures who have a strong sense of identity and physical organs for interacting with the mental realm are highly resistant to this force. Even Numina, who do not have physical brains, are normally only altered over the course of decades or centuries of sustained belief. But in the enhanced metaphysical environment of Oileán Fiáin, the pressure from the Egregoric Force on an individual created a condition that Celestina named Dissolutio Identitatis, or Identity Collapse.


"When I first established myself in the city, I didn't give much thought to the reputation I was building. As it turns out, this was a critical misstep." - excerpt from Celestina's research notes

The Egregoric Force is a metaphysical process by which the power of collective belief influences reality. When enough people believe something, it exerts pressure on the mental, spiritual, and physical components of the subject. When this pressure reaches certain levels, resistance to the changes induced by the force begins to break down.


"My inattention led me to be cast as a villain in the eyes of the populace, and my choice of research material - the fairy tales I recalled from our home reality - put a shape on that role. I have found myself making decisions and taking actions that are not my own, but are a part of the character imposed on me." - excerpt from Celestina's research notes

People who become the focus of intense Egregoric pressure find that their minds are not their own. It starts as intrusive thoughts and impulses that seem out of character, but are readily ignored. Choices that seem inconsequential to the victim often slip through - this may include changes to one's wardrobe or physical appearance, or it could be food selection, or word choices. When these alterations in their behavior are witnessed by others, they serve to reinforce the beliefs that are fueling the process.

As the condition worsens, more and more of a person's thoughts and motivations are impacted. Their personality tends to flatten to a few notable traits, and the ability to think about complex topics beyond those traits diminishes. Focusing on anything beyond the bounds of what is believed of the victim becomes a constant struggle, and any inattention will see them lapse into the character that is being imposed. During this stage, the victim's relationships with others will suffer as their personality collapses under the strain. The new relationships they can form at this point will reinforce the condition, and may also transmit it to those who have become wrapped up in the narrative, forcing them into roles adjacent to the primary focus.

Eventually this can cause physical alterations to the victim, shaping their body to be in line with the collective beliefs about them. By this time, there is little of the person's original identity remaining. They have become a simplified caricature of their former self that has little depth or substance.


"I have sought to leave the city and escape the changes being wrought, but it has not helped. It appears that only those who believe need to be within the enhanced metaphysical environment, not the target of their beliefs." - excerpt from Celestina's research notes

Treatment for Dissolutio Identitatis is difficult, as it requires that someone be removed from the minds of those who believe the stories about them. Sometimes, the story can be changed to be closer to the victim's original identity, but collective ideas about a person never encompass the complexity of a fully-formed identity. Surrounding the victim with reminders of themselves and helping them to take time to think through their actions can slow the process, but there has never been a case where it was reversed.


"I have looked for ways to block the force from affecting me, but to no avail. It is possible that transitioning into one of Clarion's stone tapes I could have achieved a form of stability, but then I would be unable to change at all. I believe that the only prevention is avoidance. It is good that the population of this world is as low as it is, as it keeps the pressure low anywhere it isn't being enhanced. If this world should develop to the point of high population and widespread communications, I expect all public figures would suffer Dissolutio Identitatis." - excerpt from Celestina's research notes

The best prevention is to never become the focus of sustained collective belief. Outside of Oileán Fiáin, this is fairly simple, as the amount of people who need to have the target frequently in mind in an unenhanced metaphysical environment is very large, perhaps in the millions. While there are a few individuals who are that well known, such as the Emperor of Wamato or the Malika of Saba, this is not a concern for the common person.

Chronic, Acquired
Celestina Before Identity Collapse
A portrait of the Clarati sorceress Celestina before she suffered from Dissolutio Identitatis
Celestina after Identity Collapse
A portrait of the Clarati sorceress Celestina after she suffered from Dissolutio Identitatis and was cast as the evil queen of the Fae

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Aug 13, 2024 01:06 by Desdemona Rose

As someone who has studied psychology for many years and have read about group think, moral panics, shared psychosis, etc. I find this article really interesting. It's right up my alley.   Given that people have had their lives altered, in negative ways, by moral panics, the idea of that potentially being amplified by magic, or people with psychic abilities beyond ours, is interesting and terrifying. Though, I suppose if you ran a really good publicity campaign, you could get some positive changes.   "Look, it's Des, they're rich and their knees are amazing and never hurt." hehe   I really liked this, thank you for sharing it with me.

Aug 13, 2024 02:25

Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it.