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Oileán Fiáin (ɪˈlʲɑːn̪ˠ ˈfʲiənʲ)

Oileán Fiáin is an island west of Ynys in the Northeastern Region. It is known as a place of wonder and danger, where the veil between realms is thin and the Fae and Fairy Courts hold sway.   Oileán Fiáin the second largest island in the Ynys Archipelago, and it is home to an unusually high concentration of Wild Places where the influence of the dream and spirit realms is particularly strong. This is likely what attracted the particular interest of the Clarati sorceress Celestina who ruled the island for a thousand years before the destruction of Sange.   The island is currently divided into five kingdoms which have formed an alliance with each other under a single leader, the Ard-Rí. While the various kingdoms have their own interests and aims, they all agree that they need to cooperate in order to keep the peace with the Fae courts who hold immense magical power and little tolerance for the mortal inhabitants of Oileán Fiáin.   The Fir Fáinne are the predominant ethnic group inhabiting Oileán Fiáin.

Notable Spirits

The spirits of Oileán Fiáin were affected by the rule of the Clarati more than those on the larger island of Ynys. Before the coming of Celestina, they were similar in many ways to the Ellyll, and went by the name of the Tuatha Dé Danann. They were worshipped by the Fir Fáinne and the Fir Bolg before them, and bore only a passing resemblance to their current incarnation.    Celestina used the power of the Egregoric Force, which is particularly potent on Oileán Fiáin, to fundamentally transform the Tuatha Dé Danann into the Fae. Names, personalities, and allegiences were warped as Celestina used her magic to twist the beliefs around the old gods into a new shape, tying them in many ways to the Dolphin Islands. No one living understands what Celestina intended by altering the spiritual landscape this way, although many philosphers speculate that she was experimenting with the power of the Egregoric force in the hands of a magic user capable of widespread mental manipulations.    Whatever her plans, today the spirits of Oileán Fiáin are less godlike, and more like glamourous and magical versions of the royal courts. There are several such courts on the island, most ruled by an absolute monarch. The five kingdoms of the Fir Fáinne have formed around the five most powerful and prominent of these courts, and one of the main duties of the Ard-Rí is to maintain the peace between the Fae and the humans who share the island. The Fae are capricious and willful, and by all reports are far less human in their natures than the old Tuatha Dé Danann.


The island has a ring of coastal mountains that surround a central plain. The highest of these mountains is Sliabh Speal, located in the southern kingdom of Ardena. The coastline is rugged and there are many small islands and peninsulas surrounding the main landmass of Oileán Fiáin. Rivers and streams are found throughout the island, along with many lakes and ponds. There are three major lakes on the island, known as Lough AillionnLough Rí, and Lough Deirgeirt. Of these, Lough Rí is the largest, and is near the center of the island, separating the cities of Baile Ríoch and Cruachánáil.


The ecosystem of Oileán Fiáin is diverse and complex, with a variety of different habitats and niches. The island is covered in dense forests, which are home to a wide range of plant and animal species. There are also several wetland areas, which support a variety of aquatic plants and animals , including fish, frogs, and water birds. The island's coastline is rocky and rugged, with several small coves and bays. The island's forests are dominated by oak, beech, and ash trees, which provide habitat for a variety of different animals, including deer, foxes, and badgers.   One oddity of the island is the absence of any snakes. Legends hold that snakes were a favorite animal of the Fir Bolg, and that the early Fir Fáinne took great pains to exterminate them when they drove the Fir Bolg from the island.


The climate of Oileán Fiáin is characterized by mild temperatures and high levels of precipitation. The island experiences relatively cool summers and mild winters, with rainfall occurring throughout the year. The island is subject to occasional storms and high winds, particularly during the autumn and winter months. It is much warmer than the other islands in the Ynys Archipelago, which is attributed to a warm current that originates near the Dolphin Islands and elevates the temperature all along the western coast.

Natural Resources

The island's forests provide a source of timber, as well as food and habitat for a variety of different animals. There are also several mineral deposits on the island, including copper and tin, which have been mined in the past.


  • Oilean Fiain
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 53.21 degrees North
Longitude: 63.2 degrees East
Average Elevation: 144 ft
Highest Point: 2,694 ft (Sliabh Speal)
Lowest Point: -10 ft
Area: 32,595 sq mi

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