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"I was invited to dine at the Sunken Embassy, and it was a unique experience. Certainly, the seafood couldn't have been any fresher than it was there!" - Miyagi Yumeko, in a letter to her son.
  Dunárd is the capital of Dalriada and the busiest port on Oileán Fiáin. It is the most diverse city on the island, with Fir Fáinne, Albannach, and Dòbhran Selkies making up the majority of the population. It is on the east coast, and much of the shipping are small boats that cross to the island portions of Dalriada, or to Ynys. There are also a number of vessels from more distant ports, including those carrying diplomatic envoys destined for Baile Ríoch and the court of the Ard-Rí.   The most unusual feature of the city is the Sunken Embassy, which lies just north of the harbor and is where the representatives of the Deep Court of the Fae reside. While the Deep Fae can walk on land when they choose, they are more comfortable underwater, and the embassy reflects that fact. Most people would not realize it was there during the day, but at night that section of the water glows with unearthly lights, and anyone nearby can hear haunting music that seems to emerge from nowhere. The city maintains a fleet of patrol boats to keep uninvited visitors away from the Sunken Embassy, but every few years someone is lured by the music and drowns while trying to swim down to find the source.   Dunárd is a city dedicated to commerce, first and foremost. The harbor is busy at all times of day and night, and most of the goods going in and out of Oileán Fiáin pass through it. There is a significant challenge with smugglers who try to evade the tariffs levied by the Rí, and the other main duty of the harbor patrol is to hunt down and control any smuggling. In practice, this usually means that the smugglers pay the tariffs directly to the harbor patrol when they are caught, and sometimes that even makes its way to the Rí's coffers. Still, there is enough legitimate trade to make Dunárd the wealthiest city on Oileán Fiáin.
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Geographic Details
Location: Oileán Fiáin, Northeastern Region
Latitude: 52.67 degrees North
Longitude: 62.24 degrees East


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