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The Eot people are a hardy and proud folk, renowned for their skills in warfare and their loyalty to their kin. They inhabit the archipelago of Eotland, located northwest of Ynys and the Arcaibh Islands, and south of Eyju. The largest island in the archipelago is called Eotlond, and it is where the majority of the Eot people reside. The other smaller islands are mostly uninhabited and are used as grazing land for the Eot's livestock.

The Eot people have fair skin, blue or gray eyes, and blonde or light brown hair. They are of medium height, with sturdy builds and strong features. Eot warriors often wear their hair in long braids or ponytails, and they are known to paint their faces and bodies with intricate designs before battle.

The Eot people have a rich history of serving as mercenaries, having been hired by various factions during the Age of Warlocks. Many Eot warriors fought bravely on Ynys, and chose to make their home there. Today, the kingdoms of Gewisse, Elmet, and Creoda on Ynys have a large number of Eot descendants.

The Eot people are also known for their horsemanship and their skill with bows. They are a pastoral people who rely heavily on their livestock, including sheep, goats, and cattle. Eotlond is dotted with small villages and hamlets, each with its own communal meeting hall or "Thing". The Thing is where disputes are settled, laws are made, and important decisions are discussed.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Æthelflæd Eadgyth Wulfhilda Cynethryth Ælfflæd Eadburh Wynflæd Eadgifu Hrothwynn Saeburh

Masculine names

Wulfstan Æthelred Leofric Beorn Cerdic Oswin Sigfrith Cuthbert Ealdred Ælfhere

Unisex names

Eofor Wyn Cyn Sige Beo Ælf Leof Cyne Hroth Wulf

Family names

Hengestsson Widsith Eoforwic Beowulfing Hrothgarson Cynewulf Wiglafson Cædmon Leofsunu Scylding


Major language groups and dialects

Main Article: Inselsprach

The Eot people share a common language with their neighbors in Eg and Slesvig, but their dialect is distinct and has its own unique idioms and phrases. The Eot dialect is known for its harsh, guttural sounds and its use of compound words.

Shared customary codes and values

The Eot people place great importance on honor, loyalty, and family, and these values are reflected in their social interactions and daily lives. The concept of "gebo" or mutual obligation is also central to Eot culture, with individuals expected to uphold their commitments to others and to the community as a whole.

Common Dress code

The Eot people typically dress in simple, practical clothing made from wool, linen, or leather. Men wear tunics and trousers, while women wear long dresses or skirts with blouses. Fur and woolen cloaks are also common, especially during colder months. Colors tend to be muted, with natural hues such as brown, green, and grey being popular. Jewelry is often made from silver or bronze and may feature intricate designs.

Art & Architecture

Eot art and architecture is characterized by simplicity and functionality. Buildings are typically made from wood or stone and are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions. Decorative elements may include intricate carvings or simple geometric patterns. Eot artists are known for their skill in metalworking, and items such as swords, jewelry, and utensils are often beautifully crafted. Music is also an important part of Eot culture, with instruments such as the lyre and harp being popular.

Foods & Cuisine

The Eot people rely heavily on their livestock for food, and dishes featuring meat and dairy products are common. Stews made with lamb or beef and seasoned with herbs and vegetables are popular, as are roasted meats served with bread and cheese. Fish and seafood are also important parts of the Eot diet, as are grains such as barley and oats. Mead, a honey-based alcoholic beverage, is a favorite drink among the Eot people and is often served at feasts and celebrations.


Beauty Ideals

The Eot people place a high value on physical strength and prowess in battle as the ideal of beauty for both men and women. Muscular builds and tall stature are prized, as they indicate strength and the ability to defend oneself and one's family. Women are expected to have a healthy physique and a strong constitution, as well as beautiful features such as bright eyes, rosy cheeks, and flowing hair. While there are no strict beauty standards for men and women to adhere to, the Eot people place great emphasis on physical fitness and endurance.

Gender Ideals

Gender roles among the Eot people are fairly traditional, with men being the primary providers and protectors of their families while women tend to domestic tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and childcare. However, women are not seen as inferior to men and are respected for their contributions to the community. Women are also known for their skill in weaving, embroidery, and other crafts that beautify their homes and clothing. Men, on the other hand, are valued for their strength, courage, and ability to defend their land and people. While there are some gender-based expectations, the Eot people believe that each individual should be free to pursue their own interests and talents.

Courtship Ideals

When it comes to courtship, the Eot people tend to be quite traditional. Young men and women are typically introduced through family or mutual acquaintances, and courtship often involves a series of chaperoned visits and gatherings. During these meetings, couples get to know each other better and may exchange small tokens of affection, such as flowers or handmade gifts. Once a couple decides to pursue a more serious relationship, they may seek the approval of their families and begin to make plans for marriage. Weddings are typically joyous occasions, with feasting, dancing, and gift-giving.

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