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There is a myth among the people of the Norður Islands, specifically the inhabitants of Eg, Eotland, and Slesvig of the Feldgeists. It has spread from those islands with those who have moved to Kattaland, Ynys, and Löngeyja, and is one of the most widespread myths in the Northeastern Region.

The Feldgeists are spirits of the wind and the autumn. When the harvest is left too long in the field, the Feldgeists will descend upon it, reaping the fields for themselves. They appear in many shapes - they take on the form of whatever animals may be around, such as wolves, bears, horses, goats or pigs. They can also appear as humans, or as hybrids of animal and human forms. Whatever shape they assume, they are able to speak and warn away those who would try to claim any fields that they have begun to harvest for themselves. When they have hands, they will use tools to harvest the fields - when they are animals, they simply gorge themselves on the bounty. They are also known to steal children who venture near the fields at night, seeming to claim them as a part of the harvest.

Driving out the feldgeists is a difficult task, especially if you want to preserve any of the harvest. They can afflict people with numerous diseases, and if you can drive them away, they will usually curse your home with a plague that takes at least one person before winter's end. They may also stand and fight anyone attempting to drive them away, and will use whatever weapons their chosen forms provide - harvesting tools for those who have them, and teeth or claws or hooves for those in an animal form. Finally, they can summon storms with thunder and lightning, and will use this power to batter their opponents to the ground with heavy rain and bolts from above.

Wise farmers will harvest their crops promptly, but will also leave the last grain heads and tree fruits as a sacrifice to the Feldgeists. This sacrifice is important, as if the spirits find the fields completely barren, they will venture into the farmer's homes to retrieve some of the harvest for themselves. They can be warded somewhat by salt and iron, but their ability to summon powerful storms makes any barriers temporary - a strong enough wind can blow down anything that people may build.


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Sep 7, 2024 10:13

I love the idea behind this myth so much, i had to leavea comment. Incredible work as always.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Sep 7, 2024 11:59
