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Frenhines (vrɛnˈhiːnɛs)

Frenhines is the largest island in the Ynysow Syllan island group. It is the southernmost large island in the Ynys Archipelago, and was formerly the home of the Kingdom of Lewyon. About ten years ago, the island was invaded and conquered by the Kingdom of Dumnonia. The King of Dumononia, Conomor the Cursed, executed the last King of Lewyon, and then forcibly married his niece Tegan. He allows Queen Tegan to remain and rule the island of Frenhines in his name, as long as the prodigious agricultural output of Frenhines is used to supply and support the Dumnonian military.    The largest settlement on Frenhines is Treworenys. It is an ancient city and was once the capital of Lewyon. The remainder of the island has no large towns, only small villages.    Legend holds that Frenhines was once a part of much larger island named En Noer. Centuries ago, En Noer was cursed by the gods of the sea for the crimes of its monarch, and most of the island sank into the ocean. Frenhines and the other islands in the Ynysow Syllan were spared due to the pleading of the Queen of En Noer - her fervent prayers were answered and Frenhines was spared a watery grave. It is for this reason that Frenhines is known as the 'Queen's Island'. While the exact details of the crimes and even the names of those involved have been lost, the drowned cities of En Noer can be seen beneath the waters to the southwest of Frenhines. 

Notable Spirits

Along the coast of the island, there are a number of spirits known as the 'Tide Men' or Keudennow Skydh. These spirits take the form of men who live in the coastal waters, and their power waxes and wanes with the tides. When the tide is out, they are at their strongest - they appear as young and handsome giants who can overcome any and all who might oppose them. But when the tide comes in, they diminish. The exact nature of this diminishment varies - some shrink, while others grow old and feeble. Some even lose parts of themselves, as legs, eyes, and arms melt away as the tide rises. It is said that if you can capture a Tide Man during the high tide and hold him imprisoned for a day and a night, he will grant you a wish in exchange for his freedom.


Frenhines is an island made up of peninsulas. The coastline is jagged and there are dozens of tidal islands surrounding the mainland that can be reached only when the tide is out. Inland, the soil is rich and fertile, and Frenihines is known for producing more food than any similarly sized region in the Archipelago. The island also has numerous hot springs, many of which lie off-shore and heat the local waters significantly.


Frenhines is blessed with extraordinarily fertile soil and a great abundance of plant and animal life. The island is known for having dozens of varieties of medicinal plants, many of which only grow here. It is the first place in the archipelago where migratory birds return to in the spring, and the waters off shore are home to a wide array of creatures, especially near the hot vents that are common near the island.


Frenhines has the most pleasant climate of the entire archipelago. It is warmer than the islands further north, and while it can be subject to severe storms, they seem less common here than elsewhere in the region.

Natural Resources

Frenhines' primary resource is its rich and fertile agricultural land and long growing season (compared to the rest of the Ynys Archipelago). It is a remarkably fruitful and productive island. Since the conquest by Dumnonia, the island has been required to provide most of its surplus food to the Dumnonian military, but they still are permitted to sell much of their medicinal herbs, which are highly prized throughout the Great Ring.
Alternative Name(s)
Queen's Island, En Noer
Location under
Included Locations
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 46.74 degrees North
Longitude: 61.91 degrees East
Average Elevation: 174 ft
Highest Point: 2,523 ft (Bronn Ewhella)
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 240 sq mi

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