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When Zoí Epáno bound the wayward winds to the Turrhēnoi Islands, he chose the location due to the presence of Kafkuh, the emerald mountain. This incredible landmark is formed of a single gigantic gemstone, nearly three thousand feet tall. Before the winds were bound to Kafkuh, the emerald was hidden beneath layers of soil and snow, but these were quickly scoured away by the angry spirits. Now the emerald stands gleaming and bare, without so much as a speck of dust allowed to settle on its surface.

The mountain of emerald is the key to the binding of the wayward winds, and they know it. Day and night, they hurl themselves against its unyielding bulk, hurling anything they can scoop up at it, without so much as scratching the gem. The mighty Rukk will even scoop up whole ships that stray too near the island and smash them against Kafkuh, leaving splinters and bodies to be swept away by the unending winds. According to the legends about the mountain, it is not indestructible, but to wear it away will be the work of a thousand millennia, and so far it seems that it is holding strong against the onslaught of the storm.

There are many stories about the origins of Kafkuh. Some claim that the mountain was moved to the islands from deep within the Al-Kubra, and was stolen to be the cage of the winds. Others say that Kafkuh is only an echo or a reflection of the true emerald mountain, which is located in the dream, or possibly in another world altogether. One legend claims that the mountain is actually a gateway for spirits to pass through into some other world, and that Zoí Epáno sought to banish the wayward winds rather than imprison them, but they refuse to pass through into a new home.

Mountain / Hill
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 32.48 degrees North
Longitude: 32.89 degrees East
Elevation: 2,999 ft


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