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Lumai is the largest island in the Bay of Mynilad. It is sacred to the Ilogaro people, and believed to be the residence of Luek, the god of the bay. It has long been the site of the Temple of Luek, and is also one of the most haunted locations in the Tagápulo Empire.

When the Tagápulo first conquered the Ilogaro, they allowed them to keep the island of Lumai independent of the Empire at first. However, over the centuries that followed, the Empire repeatedly reduced the degree of independence afforded to the holy island, including placing a fortress on the north coast of the island to help defend the capital in case of attack. The priests protested each transgression by the Imperial forces, but were unable to enforce the agreement between the temple and the throne.

About a century ago, the Empire was struck by the Weeping Plague, a terrible illness that spread rapidly throughout the population. It overwhelmed the empire's ability to provide treatment to the afflicted, and in a desperate attempt to contain the sickness, they declared Lumai to be a quarantine zone for anyone infected with the plague. Thousands of the sick and dying were transported to the island and remanded to the care of the Temple of Luek. The Empire provided some supplies for their care, but it was far less than could possibly meet the need. Temporary shelters for the sick were erected all over the island, and despite the best efforts of the priests of Luek, thousands died in those shelters. Even though Luek granted multiple miracles of healing, the burden of care was far more than the temple could possibly bear.

Today, long after the plague has ended, many of the specters of those who died still wander the island. On moonless nights, the long-gone shelters manifest anew upon the island, and the sounds of coughing and moaning break the stillness. These phantoms are not malicious, but they are trapped in their moments of greatest suffering, and usually do not even notice the living who observe them. The priests of Luek do their best to comfort these trapped spirits and allow them to move on, but it will be centuries yet before they are all freed of their pain.


Lumai is the remnant of a extinct volcano. It is dominated by a large rocky hill which forms the core of the island, thrusting up out of the greenery around it. The temple of Luek is built at the apex of the hill, with a good view of the entire bay. The soil of the island is rich and fertile, and the beaches are sandy and beautiful.


Lumai is home to several dozen bird species, some of which are only found on the island. It is mostly undeveloped, and the island's interior is primarily rainforest. One bird that is only found here is the Lumai Dove, a green and white bird that is said to bring luck to anyone who feeds it. The priests of Luek maintain hundreds of bird feeders on the temple grounds, and birdsong can be heard throughout the island. Mangroves grow along the shore of the island, and there is a vibrant coral reef in the waters offshore.


Lumai has a tropical climate, with high temperatures year-round and high humidity. There are distinct wet and dry seasons - during the wet season, the island receives substantial rainfall, with heavy downpours, occasional thunderstorms, and sometimes even tropical cyclones. The dry season provides relief from the heavy rain, with sunny days, lower humidity, and warm temperatures.
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Geographic Details
Location: Southwestern Region
Latitude: 18.73 degrees North
Longitude: 27.2 degrees West
Average Elevation: 7 ft
Highest Point: 322 ft
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 21.2 sq mi

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