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Rí Ardhan

They'd all be sunk without me. - Rí Ardhan of Dalriada

Ardhan is the Rí of Dalriada. He sees himself as the most worldly of the Rís of Oileán Fiáin, and even more so than the Ard-Rí, who is officially responsible for the foreign relations of the island. Dalriada has a more diverse population than the other kingdoms of Oileán Fiáin, and most of the foreign trade passes through Dunárd. When he meets the other Rís in council, he never hesitates to remind them how much of their economies depend on the trade passing through his hands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ardhan is an unusual occupant for a throne in Oileán Fiáin, and the story of how he rose to the position is one that starts in the west, in the city of Aerendel. Ardhan, of no known family or name, was a tailor in that city and was well known as a shrewd merchant and careful with his coins. In the course of his business, a magical coin passed into his hands, one that could grant true forgiveness, at a cost. Well schooled in the ways of stories (as are all citizens of Aerendel), Ardhan recognized a hook when one was passed to him, and he decided to grab a hold of the story and try to bend it to his desires. Rather than spend the coin, he pocketed and embarked on a journey. He wasn't a day from the city before he heard of a proclamation from the current Rí of Dalriada about that man's woes - he had accidentally killed his only son and heir. Ardhan followed the plotline to Dunárd, and met with the king, offering him the coin for the crown - a bargain the man accepted. The story moved on from Ardhan at that point, leaving him on the throne of Dalriada to follow the story of the coin and former king - exactly as Ardhan had hoped.

Personality Characteristics


Ardhan likes money, the acquisition, spending, and manipulation of it. He is always keen to discover a bargain, and to make almost any exchange where his net value increases. He isn't a miser, quite - but he is always looking for the way to make a profit.

Current Location
Aligned Organization


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