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Sléibhe na Bothán

Sléibhe na Bothán is the highest point on the island of Oileán Beag. The Fir Fáinne who live on the island have named it for its resemblance to a stone beehive hut, especially the domed shape of the mountaintop. According to legend, the interior of the mountain is filled with hundreds of miles of tunnels, possibly dug by a colony of Dungeon Squirrels that once lived there. If this is the case, the mountain appears to be uninhabited at the moment, since the islanders have seen no sign of the squirrels, nor have narrative forces acted to pull the locals into an ongoing dungeon narrative.

This doesn't mean they believe the tunnels are uninhabited, though. The islanders believe that the mountain is the domain of the púcaí, a group of mischievous shapeshifting spirits. Púcaí are said to only be able to hold their natural shape (which is of a small and twisted humanoid) when underground or in total darkness. When they emerge out under the open sky, they must take on the form of an animal, most often a black goat or sheep. They delight in playing pranks on anyone who will fall for them, especially leading travelers astray at night. They can conjure phantom lights, and cause paths and trails to change their routes so that they run over the edges of cliffs. If you venture into the tunnels of the púcaí, it is said that they will seize you and keep you as entertainment for a year and day. If you pleased them in that time, they will send you home with treasure. If not, they will roast and eat you. There are some tales of fools who think this is a way to become wealthy, but these stories rarely end happily.


Sléibhe na Bothán is located in the western part of Oileán Beag, and is surrounded by other mountains. Its unusual shape and height makes it stand out, and from a distance it looks like it could have been constructed - the distinctive dome of the summit has caused many to believe it could not be a natural formation. Most of the mountain is covered in forest, and the dome seems to rise directly out of the treeline. The mountain is fairly easy to climb, although there are tales of hidden wells and sinkholes all over the slopes.

Mountain / Hill
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 36.51 degrees North
Longitude: 27.37 degrees East
Elevation: 3,035 ft


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