Oileán Beag Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Oileán Beag (ˈɪlʲɑːnˠ bʲɞɡ)

Oileán Beag is a small island off the northern coast of Kalliste in the Rasrathnii Islands. It is the home to a small community of Fir Fáinne whose ancestors were stranded there in the aftermath of The Becalming, and managed to survive despite their extremely dangerous neighbors to the south. Kalliste has long been the domain of the Cyclopes, who consider the inhabitants of Oileán Beag as something between a nuisance and a tasty snack, whenever they can get a hold of one. In more recent years the occasional Leonaragian from Ichnusa has made their way to Oileán Beag, and they have been far more dangerous than the Cyclopes.

The population of Oileán Beag has become extremely adept at hiding themselves, and their communities are difficult to locate if you don't know where to look. Their homes blend into the wilderness, and they are trained from birth in the art of stealth. Visitors sometimes try to ascribe this to the unusually small stature of the islanders, but this is most likely a coincidence - while it is true that the Fir Fáinne of Oileán Beag are smaller than their cousins back on Oileán Fiáin, this is not a major factor in their ability to hide from the gigantic Cyclopes. They have flourished on the island despite their need to hide, and retain most of the traditions their ancestors practiced on Oileán Fiáin. They speak a distinctive dialect of Amhrán that other Fir Fáinne find difficult to understand.

The only settlement of any size on the island is Caladh, on the northern coast. It is centered on a network of sea caves that allow the islanders to pull their fishing boats out of sight, and the coastline looks as abandoned there as anywhere else on the island. The high cliffs overlooking Caladh are difficult for the Cyclopes to descend, and the caves themselves are too small for the giants to enter.

Notable Spirits

The Fir Fáinne of Oileán Beag worship a god named Guaíthín. He was said to have been one of the original sailors shipwrecked on the island, and legend says that he sacrificed himself to allow the others to escape from a hungry Cyclopes during their first few days. Afterwards, there were more sightings of Guaíthín, usually whenever one of the islanders were in danger, and the belief grew up that his spirit was haunting the island and trying to protect his comrades. Today, Guaíthín is called the master of shadows, and is able to grant supernatural powers of stealth to his most dedicated priests.


The terrain of Oileán Beag is quite varied and is can be divided into several regions. The western part of the island is mountainous and is dominated by Sléibhe na Bothán. The mountain is home to many animal species including the wild sheep and wild boar, two species that flourish in the heights. The central part of the island is a mostly flat section, while the northern coast is sheer cliffs overlooking the sea.

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Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 36.55 degrees North
Longitude: 27.27 degrees East
Average Elevation: 112 ft
Highest Point: 3,035 ft (Sléibhe na Bothán)
Lowest Point: -3 ft
Area: 86 sq mi

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