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Tauranga (ˈtaʊrɑŋa)

Tauranga is the largest city on the island of Atu Motu, and the most significant port in Tāngata territory. It is also a flashpoint for tensions between the different Tāngata clans. Tauranga is on a great natural harbor, and merchant vessels began stopping there to resupply. Over time, they formed trade relationships with the Whenua-Mārama hapū who lived around the harbor. The city was born from the partnership between the merchants and the Whenua-Mārama, and over time it grew larger and more prosperous. Several of the other northern hapū also began to interact frequently with the foreigners, and chose to move away from many of the strictures and rules around dealing with outsiders that the Tāngata had traditionally kept to - a collection of rules known as Tulafafo, or Outsider Law. This abandoning of Tulafafo alienated and angered the more traditional hapū to the south, who see the northern hapū as decadent and perverse.


The city is diverse - the majority of the population is Tāngata of the Whenua-Mārama hapū, but there are also a large number of clanless Tāngata (typically those of mixed clan background who have never formally joined any particular clan), and immigrants from around the Great Ring. At any particular time, there will also be a large number of ships in port, filling the city with sailors and merchants from everywhere and anywhere. Most of the clanless refer to themselves as "Arohaora Tāngata". The term, while initially applied in derision, has evolved to become a symbol of unity, inclusivity, and the bonds of found family that transcend traditional hapū boundaries, and more and more of the Tāngata of Tauranga have chosen to be known as Arohaora.


The governance of Tauranga is dominated by the influential Whenua-Mārama clan and led by Aoraki, the current chief of the clan. He is assisted by the esteemed Ariki of the Whenua-Mārama, individuals who have a revered lineage. Recently, the emergence of the Kīngitanga movement has sparked fervent debates and deep divisions within the community. Championing a bold vision of a centralized leadership akin to foreign monarchies, the movement seeks to establish a position akin to that of kings, one that transcends clan boundaries and unifies the diverse city under a singular banner. This movement has the support of the Whenua-Mārama, who insist that it is necessary to deal with outsiders on a equal basis, but the other clans in the area are suspicious of their motives. However, the Whenua-Mārama point to the persistent attacks by the Kaikai as an example of why a King of the Tāngata is necessary.

Points of interest

Tauranga is known for its zoo, which is unique among all the cultures of the Great Ring. It began as a collection of gifts from merchants seeking to gain favor with the Whenua-Mārama chieftan, and has evolved into a point of pride for the city as a whole. This unique haven showcases an astonishing array of creatures from distant lands across the Great Ring, igniting the spirit of curiosity and discovery within all who cross its threshold.
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