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Whenua Uru (ˈfɛ.nʉ.a ˈʉ.ɾʉ)

The Whenua Uru are an expanse of plains and scrublands that dominate the northwestern side of Atu Motu, in the rainshadow of the Kohu Maunga. It is crisscrossed by several rivers that originate in the central mountain range and are notable for their braided appearance with multiple shallow channels that diverge and rejoin. The area is best known for the vast herds of the wingless birds called the Moa-huarahi, who the local Tāngata have domesticated. The Moa-huarahi are very large, with adults weighing between four and five hundred pounds, and standing over six feet at the shoulder. They have long necks, and can reach leaves that are up to twelve feet high when they stand upright. However, they typically hold their necks parallel to the ground when foraging, and only raise them when they need to.

There are many villages of the Tāngata in this region, mostly along the rivers. Most of them are temporary settlements, as the community will move to follow the herds if they need to. Those that are permanent often have important commercial or religious functions, such as Kāinga Nui, the largest settlement in the region. It is the site of a regular marketplace where Tāngata from all across the Whenua Uru converge to trade goods and news.

Notable Spirits

The patron Atua of the Whenua Uru is Avamata, queen of the rivers and the moa. She can manifest either as a beautiful woman with flowing water for hair, or as a gigantic moa-huarahi. When the Tāngata first came to Atu Motu, they threatened to destroy the moa-huarahi with their hunting, and they were only saved by the intercession of Avamata in her bird form. According to the histories, it was many years before she adopted a human shape, and the Tāngata believe this is because she was a goddess to the moa-huarahi before the humans ever knew of her. She taught the Tāngata how to care for and raise the moa-huarahi, and to drive off the massive eagles of the mountains that would prey upon them.


The Whenua Uru stretches for a little over 120 miles along the northwestern coast of Atu Motu, and is approximately 56 miles wide. It is bordered on the north by the Whāngai Hills, beyond which the Whenua-Mārama of Tauranga rule. To the east is the Kohu Maunga mountain range. To the south, the large river named the Awa Ngārara marks the border, with the area just beyond controlled by several Mu'o'a Aiga.

Location under
Included Locations
Geographic Details
Location: Southern Region
Latitude: 1.79 degrees South
Longitude: 0.14 degrees West 
Area: 6935.88 sq mi


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Jun 23, 2024 01:31 by Myth Cross

If someone was to describe another as a Moa, would this be a good thing or a bad thing? : D


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