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Ynys Dywyll (ˈənɨ̞s ˈdəu̯.ɨ̞ɬ)

While Ynys Dywyll is a part of the Kingdom of Mathrafal, it is also considered to be a sacred place to all of the Ynyswr and the Inisir. It is the heart of the worship of the Ellyll, the native spirits of Ynys. During the thousand years when the Clarati ruled Ynys, the sacred island served as a prison to many of the Ellyll, bound there by Clarati magic. Worshippers were prevented from visiting Ynys Dywyll, and the sacred groves grew wilder while the stone circles suffered the ravages of time.

Early in the Age of Warlocks, druids who had kept their practices of the ancient religion secret for generations returned to Ynys Dywyll to release the gods imprisoned by the Clarati. During the Becalming, sacrfices were made to the newly freed spirits, in hope that they might alleviate the suffering of the people. The current shape of religion on Ynys was set during these days, and the decisions made then echo into the current day.

The largest settlement on the island is the town of Llan, on the River Ddyga near the center of the island. It is a town dedicated to the worship of the Ellyll, and tends to pay little attention to the affairs of the outside world. The port of Meyrick at the mouth of the Dydga on the southeastern coast is the primary contact point with the rest of the archipelago.

Notable Spirits

Gwynn ap Lludd is the most prominent of the spirits worshipped on Ynys Dywyll, as the embodiment of the island of Ynys itself. There are also shrines to the other major Ellyl, such as Llif, the spirit of the River Severin. Ynys Dywyll itself is represented by Derw of the Long Memory, who rules the groves of the island. Derw is served by the Goed, who are the spirits of the individual trees of the island.


The island is mostly low-lying, with hills spaced evenly across the northern portion. The tallest of these is Mynydd Ellyll, reaching 3,000 feet in height. The top of this mountain is crowned with a circle of standing stones, and is said to be where Gwynn ap Lludd will hold court on the nights of the full moon. The island is heavily forested, and there are a few lakes among the trees, mostly in the western portion of the island. The largest of these is Llyn y Fonesig, the Lady's Lake.

The coastline is mostly sandy beaches, although the northern coast has several sharp cliffs and tiny bays. The small island of Rowa just off the north coast is the home to the Coeden o Olau, a lighthouse built into a tree that dominates the entire islet.


The island is heavily forested, and only very little is given over to cultivation. The forest is a thriving ecosystem that supports hundreds of species. Deer, bears, wolves, and boar are all found on the island, along with many species of birds, small mammals, amphibians and reptiles. The northern cliffs provide nesting sites for a number of birds, including puffins, auks, and falcons. The Dywyll Raven is notable for being larger and more intelligent than ravens from elsewhere - locals claim that the ravens from Ynys Dywyll are perfectly capable of speaking and understanding multiple languages.


The island is humid and rainy, with long harsh winters similar to the rest of the archipelago. The summers are warm and wet, and fog is common throughout the year. Some say that the weather is influenced by the mood of the god Derw, but if so he must be a somewhat melancholy fellow.

Natural Resources

While the island is rich in timber, logging is almost entirely forbidden. Trees that have fallen naturally can be used for their wood, and many claim that it has special properties due to its sacred origin. The island's population is mostly supported by the donations of those who hold it as a sacred place, in addition to the abundant sea life of the Gwlff Ffynid.


  • Ynys Dywyll
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Included Locations
Owning Organization
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 50.82 degrees North
Longitude: 65.31 degrees East
Average Elevation: 141 ft
Highest Point: 2,946 ft (Mynydd Ellyll)
Lowest Point: -3 ft
Area: 275.7 sq mi

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