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The island of Vannin is the second largest island in the Gwlff Ffynid, and home to the Kingdom of Vann. It is notable as having remanined entirely independant of the Clarati during the period when both Ynys and Oileán Fiáin were ruled by the sorcerers; this is ascribed primarily to the influence of Manandán, god of the island and the Gwlff Ffynid.    The largest settlement on Vannin is Dhoogloss, a city built where the rivers Dhoo and Gloss meet. It is a port city, and the merged rivers (known downstream as Dhoogloss) is navigable by even the largest ships over the thirty mile stretch to the sea.   

Notable Spirits

The island's patron and most important spirit is Manandán. This god hid the island behind a cloak of mists when the Clarati conquered most of the Ynys Archipelago, and allowed it to remain free and independent while most of their neighbors were under Clarati domination. Once it was clear that the sorcerers were unable to reach the island by either mundane or magical means, the Vanninee were left alone by the conquerers, and the island was able to carry on trade unmolested.    The island is also home to a host of other spirits, many of them similar to the lesser fae that make up the courts of Oileán Fiáin - these little folk are called the mooinjer veggey, and can be helpful or mischevious according to individual temperament. These spirits are often the subject of local legends, and the Vanninee will leave out dishes of beer, milk, or honey to honor and appease them.


The island's terrain is varied. There are two mountainous areas divided by a central valley which runs along the centerline of the island, roughly north to south. The highest point on the island is Cronk Snee in the northern area and reaches 2,008 feet at its peak. The northern end of the island is a flat plain, whle the southern area is more hilly, with distinct valleys. The largest river is the Dhoogloss, which is formed where the Rivers Dhoo and Gloss meet and then continues for about thirty miles to its mouth on the north coast of the island. There are several islands off the coast of the main island, the largest of which is Cholloo, near the mouth of the Dhoogloss. This is where the Burroo Lighthouse stands, which has the loudest fog bell in the entire archipelago.


The waters around Vannin teem with all manner of sea life, but the creature the area is most famous for is the Vannin Eel. This enormous creature is considered a great delicacy on the island, and is known for the strange shrieks it makes when pulled from the water. The island itself is home to many small animals, including at least nine different species of bats. Toads and frogs are common as well. Dolphins live in the rivers of the island and in the waters nearby. Orcas have also been seen near the island, and are considered sacred to Manandán; they are also found on the arms of the Kingdom of Vann. Sheep and cattle are raised on the island, and much of the arable land is given over to farmed timber to support the kingdom's formidible navy.


The island of Vannin is known to have more rain and fog than any other location in the archipelago, with only rare days where the sky is clear. The temperatures are cool year round, and the winters can be harsh due to the cold currents from the north that chill the entire region. The Vanninee take pride in the constant fog and rain, which they say shows the favor of their god and his protection of the island from those who might raid or invade the island.

Natural Resources

The island has given over much of its land to tree farming, to satisfy the needs of the Vann navy. They also have significant deposits of copper, silver, and iron which the Vanninee mine for their own use and for trade.


  • Vannin
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Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 51.63 degrees North
Longitude: 63.71 degrees East
Average Elevation: 43 ft
Highest Point: 2,008 ft (Cronk Snee)
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 220 sq mi

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