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Zoi (zoˈi)

Zoi is the highest mountain on the island of Kykláxos, and the most sacred place to the Kaphtori people. The great temple known as the Pantheon is located at the base of the mountain, where shrines to all of the Daemones may be found.

When the Kaphtori were pulled through The Dream by the Nakaal, they found themselves at the base of Zoi. There they first encountered the god Zoí Epáno, who ruled the winds and sky over the island. He adopted them, and with his siblings Zoí Parakáto and Zoí Ypovrýchia, he helped them overthrow the Nakaal who sought to enslave them.

During the winter solstice, while The Candles pass over the mountain, Zoi is the site of one of the most important festivals to the Kaphtori, the Kípoa. This is a festival dedicated to Zoí Parakáto, and it is celebrated exclusively by women - men are banned from the area around the mountain and the temple while The Candles burn in the sky, a time they call Nýchtes Kerión. The Kípoa is a celebration of fertility and bounty, and features many erotic elements, including bawdy dances, suggestive pastries, and erotic jokes. Women from all over the Kaphtor Islands travel to Zoi to attend the Kípoa, and it is one of the only festivals where the Kaphtori Aethry and the Kaphtori still celebrate together. While smaller versions of the Kípoa are celebrated by those who cannot make the journey, many believe that attending the main festival is important. Women who have had their first menses in the past year are particularly encouraged to make the journey and it is considered one of the most signficant rituals of becoming an adult.


Zoi is located in the exact center of the island of Kykláxos, and stands significantly higher than the hills around it. This gives is an impressive aspect, appropriate to its cultural significance. There are no easy paths to the summit - while it is not the longest climb, it is extremely strenuous in spots. Combined with the strong winds that seem to fling climbers from the mountainside, few attempt to reach the top. Those who do must be prepared to make a sacrifice to Zoí Epáno, and if he finds it pleasing he may choose to bless the petitioner.   The mountain is rocky and there are many caves and crevasses that can be explored. Eagles nest on cliffs all over the mountain, and are considered sacred, not to be disturbed for any reason.
Mountain / Hill
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 36 degrees North
Longitude: 47.62 degrees East
Elevation: 3,235 ft


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