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Ordo Noctua

The Ordo Noctua is a clandestine organisation that is sworn to the service of the Junii family. Almost all of the citizens of the Junii Empire are completely unaware of their existance, save for the Royal Guard, and a few well connected and informed individuals.   The purpose of the Ordo Noctua is to ensure the security and integrity of the empires, while silently eliminating threats that oppose or try to undermine it's ideals, infrastructure, or people. The Ordo is also responsible for foreign intelligence, including spying and deception.


The Ordo Noctua operate very much alike a secret society, maintaining a decentralised network of informants, spies and operatives, none of which are ever fully aware of the entire operations activities, size or scale.
Administrating this organisation is the Avicularius, a position which exists as part of the Imperial Consulate. This individual sits at the center of the Ordo's vast web of agents, ensuring that recieved information of importance can be passed on to the emperor, and then acted upon if deemed necessary.


The Ordo Noctua's greatest assets are it's agents. Spread to every corner of the empire, most ordo agents (often referred to by individuals that are aware of their existance as ravens) are trained in the art of blending seamlessly with their local populace, often taking menial work while they observe their surroundings and keep their ear to the ground.   While a ravens primary skillset is social deception and deduction, they are often capable of defending themselves if required. Other skills commonly possessed by ravens include knowledge of a second or even third language, riding, and the use of poisons or tranquilisers.   While the majority of the ravens operate as a secret police for the empire, more elite ravens are known to heavily study the ways and cultures of other civilisations, so that they may blend in with them and become sleeper cells, ready to act in the interest of the empire. These kinds of agents are informally referred to by Ordo Noctua agents as 'cuckoos'.   If a raven has located what they deem to be a threat to the security of the empire, they can call upon a number of assets to neutralise it. The Royal Guard is briefed on the existance of the ravens, and as part of their oaths to the emperor, are obliged to assist a raven if they request it. It is not uncommon for a household raid on unregistered mages, or seditious citizens to have been orchestrated by an Ordo Noctua operative.   If it is required, the Ordo Noctua have access to large portions of the empires treasuries, and can setup contracts with assassins, privateers, sabotuers and mercenaries to complete objectives. By acting as a middle-man for the empire, the Junii can still make use of the services offered by criminal organisations while maintaining deniability.   In order to prove their identity, each raven is issued with a unique metallic coin, which is representative of the emperors authority. Upon presentation of this coin, a raven can reliably source any number of personnel and assets through the empires infrastructure.


In their first instance, before they were organised as such, the Ordo Noctua were merely a handful of mercenary spies, assassins and agents in the employ of the Junii family, tasked with assuring that the family maintained it's position, and ultimately securing them the province of Mediolanum.   Before The Succession Wars, when the plans for the Junii takeover of Armenia were being drawn up, the Ordo Noctua were front and center, using there abilities to cause disinformation and disarray in the other Armeni nations to pave the way for the military occupation of the continent.   After the rise of the Junii Empire the ravens continue their tradition of service, although their power and numbers have significantly increased since the pre-empire era.
Military, Intelligence
Alternative Names
The ravens, The emperors ears
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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