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Royal Guard

While The Legion is usually treated with caution and awe, and the Auxilia largely ignored, the arrival of the Junii Royal Guard in an empire settlement is met with fear, panic and dread. Royal guards are known to enforce Junii law with ruthless efficiency, and to inflict cruel, brutal punishments against the slightest infractions, often in public display.

While the average Junii citizen might somewhat believe Junii propaganda and ideology on fearing other races and magic, most take it with a little pinch of salt, especially towards the borders of the empire.

Royal guards however have no such doubts about the beliefs that they represent, and are known to view other races with utter contempt and disgust. Making up any excuse to detain, interrogate and humiliate them. Utter fanatics, the Royal Guard have garnered an infamous reputation from both within and without the empire.


Equipment and Tactics

Unlike the legion, a royal guardsmen is trained in singular combat, and is quite capable of defending themselves against multiple opponents. This can be a difficult adjustment for veteran legionaries, who have spent their entire lives fighting in formation tactics. A guardsman's training is accompanied by constant propaganda readings and repeating mantras of loyalty the emperor and to the Junii. This serves to reinforce the loyalty of the often already fanatical recruit.

Guardsman are expected to be able to operate on their own initiative, and without orders, which stands in stark contrast to the highly-disciplined and regimented Legion. A guardsman is expected to be able to ride a horse, and to keep himself in parade-condition at all times.

Guardsmen are issued with an ornate variant of the legionary armour, complete with a distinctive purple head crest and cloak.

Guardsmen are given shortsword and tower shield like a regular legionary, but are also issued a long ornate halberd which they are drilled to use both in combat and in ceremony.


Service and Law

The most common task for a royal guard detachment is escort duty. The Emperor, a Praetor, or any other noble of significance can request the assistance of the royal guard when they are required to travel. Emperors have been known to offer the services of the royal guard as a political favour also.

The majority of the guard remain in JUNII CAPITAL, where they guard the NAME OF CITADEL HERE. Some however are semi-permanently detached to guard praetors, or even close friends of the emperor.

Other duties that guardsmen are sent on typically involve quelling disorder, bringing law, and dealing with deserters and renegades, giving them a sort of military-police role.

royal guard.jpg
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by
Guard on horseback.png
A guard on his horse.

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