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Gorgoroth Flamesbreath | Dragonborn Psi Warrior

Gorgoroth Flamesbreath is a hero from an age past, before the Declaration of Expungement, before Tiamat was known as The Queen Mother , when the Last War, the Scales of War, was still being fought by githyanki warlords on behalf of the dragon demon.   Gorgoroth grew up in the small village of Brindol in the Elsir Vale. His parents, Pal'Ratha and Livvy were potato farmers. His younger sister, T'Mara, was tragically lost to raiders when she and Gorgoroth were very young. As he grew up, he was determined to protect those he loved from harm. He worked for the Brindol city watch under Captain Kartenix and answered the call to adventure when goblins attacked Brindol and kidnapped Kartenix and several other townsfolks. During the rescue, Gorgoroth made several friends who ended up adventuring together across the Vale and to lands far away.   The friends became known as the Heroes of Brindol. The Heroes defeated an orc uprising at Overlook and followed a trail of clues from an illegal arms merchant to a dark foundry in the Shadowfell to several evil plots around the Elsir Vale. They became part of the Coalition to stop a githyanki invasion that threatened the entire region in and around the Vale. The Heroes, acting as envoys for the Coalition, saved the island nation of Nefalus from a white dragon. From the dragon's horde they took the Seed of Winter, an artifact they planned to use to defeat the the Ghostlord, a lich who corrupted the Seed of Spring into being his phylactery.   Unfortunately, other parties were interested in the Seed of Winter. The Coalition sent the Heroes to the Feydark to treat with Cachlain, the Stone-Skinned King who desired the artifact. In Cachlain's domain, the githyanki had set a trap. The Heroes fell into psychic imprisonment, trapped to forever fight the demons that infected their imaginations. They endured for years. Possibly decades.   Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the Heroes, the gith overtook the natural realm and Tiamat's forces won the Scales of War. Bahamut himself was killed by his twin sister Tiamat. Her dragon armies became kings and queens across the land.   Alone with his demons in his prison of the mind, Gorgoroth wished he could do something. He wasn't the most spiritual being, but he prayed to his dragonborn ancestors and to the beings that fleeted in an out of his vision across time and space.   Somehow, Gorgoroth did change things. Somehow, he started to control his halucinations. He began to believe that these scenes were alternate realities and that he could switch his conscience mind towards each one if he focused hard enough. Something told him, unconsciously, that if he dug deep, he could access a power source beyond each of these alternate realities and regain control of his body.   Demiurge. The word tickled his curiosity like a whisper from another life. He didn't know what he meant but he knew he had to follow it. With the help of friendly spirits that shared his dream-within-a-dream-within-a-dream and by focusing on Inspiritments (magical artifacts that helped him focus on another alternate reality), Gorgoroth travelled to a realm of pure logic, ruled by clockwork machine-creatures. There, in the body of a giant robotic digital/mechanical entity, he tapped into the automated factories of Mechanus and used their search routines to find the term "Demiurge."   The results felt like swimming in a pool of liquid magic. It was more refreshing than drinking from the goblet of the gods. He radiated with unending power that overflowed from his digimech capacitors. When he attacked, the world of Mechanus split in half at the nuclear explosion of his untempered power.   For an instant, Gorgoroth felt the agonized cries of millions of gith. For an instant, he was connected to each of them in a psychic hive mind. Then the residual power from the Demiurge detroyed them.   He awoke in a dining chamber of what once was Cachlain's domain. Thom, Digen and Caesar were all dead. His equipment had lost all their magical potency. He was free of the githyanki mind-prison, but his consiousness still reverberated uncontrollably with scenes of his psychic travels throughout the multiverse. Out of the formorian's caves he stumbled...   ...until he stumbled into the New Frontier Bazaar near the Little Stinker tavern.
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