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Notes on the Desert of Desolation by Gorgoroth

{scrawled along the margins or above certain keywords are notes Gorgoroth wrote to himself, possibly after his research, recorded in this copy of his Memories as "nts"}

Excerpts taken from "Memories of Gorgoroth Flamesbreath"

  Everything in the Discs of Civil (Erathis' Charter) seem to be historical, though I wonder when it was recorded. Definately prior to Scales of War - possibly much earlier? - but after the Arkosian / Turathi Wars (nts: dragonborn vs tieflings). Not sure if these locations still exist or are in the conditions described. The information is arranged in a way that may make sense to a Celestial being, but it gives me headaches. The book magically taught me the Celestial language, but not their categorization techniques.   Couldn't find anything on Nanoen. Maybe the city is too young? My notes on the Desert of Desolation below. Wish I knew how much was relevant...      

Searched for Desert of Desolation

  • The Desert of Desolation: Also known as the Trackless Waste, the Sea of Dust or the Endless Desert, is a barren desert in the northern lands of the former Arkhosian Empire (dragonborn) caused by the magic of Bael Turath (tiefling). (nts: interesting... so it's a desert now because of bad tiefling magic? what was it like before the war?) Currently inhabited by nomadic tieflings, dragonborn, and genasi. Most of it is unmapped (the known maps only covers its northern area). (nts: do D and T nomads still have bad blood for each other because of the old war?)
  • Ashanta: A city in the desert that was once home to an advanced civilization of Pelor worshipers. After it was destroyed by a brown(nts: ?) dragon its population fled to the small community of Sunspray. (nts: Thom would've fucked him up. "Nothing better to do")
  • Cynidicea: Once known as the Jewel of the Desert it has since become known as the Lost City, destroyed by the creature Zargon (nts: what type of creature?) that lives still beneath its Ziggurat.
  • Demper’s Ferry: A small frontier village on the edge of the desert. It is about to be taken over by a horde of orcs led by a terrible hill giant named Turan (nts: how tf do they know its about to be taken over? why not stop it? is this now or thousand years ago??). There is a tomb built by the founders of the village.
  • Ghere Thau: An ancient Nerathi fortress built in the desert. (nts: tieflings built it? so they took a lot of dragonborn territory?)
  • Kharavas: One of the goblinholds in the Desert of Desolation. Allied with the Iron Circle. (nts: didn't we hear about Iron Circle allied with those ISB assholes in our time?)
  • Murgmar: Another of the goblinholds. Allied with the Iron Circle.
  • The Oasis of the Golden Peacock: An enchanted oasis in the desert that is home to magical birds.
  • The Seven Jewels of the South: Arkhosia was founded when a dragon known only as the Golden One (nts: see research below) unified these seven city states. All were lost, either during the war against the Turathi, or after the fall of Arkhosia.
  • Io'vanthor: The ancient capital of the Arkhosian empire carved into a mountain side deep in the trackless wastes believed to be the earthly palace of the god Io. Currently inhabited by warring tribes of devils, undead, tieflings and dragonborn. (nts: Io = Bahamut + Tiamat before they split)
  • Krenstak: A ruined dragonborn city, destroyed during the Arkhosian-Turathi war
  • Mount Korinda: A volcano whose eruption buried many nearby Arkhosian sites. (nts: which ones?)
  • Razortear: An ancient Arkhosian fortress destroyed by the tieflings during the Arkhosian-Turathi war
  • Serpentus Rift: The only one of the Seven Jewels that has been rediscovered in years, this canyon city was known for it's translucent bridges and ingeniously constructed warrens. Recently (nts:when?) some congregations of dragonborn archaeologists (nts:whom?) have returned to search for treasures of lost Arkhosia (nts:WHAT treasure / WHERE!??).
  • The Well of Stars: A small village located around a magical oasis with the power to revive the dead. (nts: could be useful to us, dangerous in wrong hands)
  • The Tomb of Akkamedes: An ancient pyramid located at least four days’ travel from the Well of Stars. According to some legends, it has a mechanism that allows it to move on its own when activated.
  • Sunspray: An oasis settlement in the desert. The tribes here worship Pelor. (nts: see Ashanta above)
  • Sunrise: A squalid outer settlement that is filled with outcasts from Sunspray.
  • The Wastes of Maru-Qet: The ruins of the Draconic Empire of Maru-Qet, swallowed by the desert after it was destroyed by rival catastrophic (nts: ?) dragons. The Forsaken Pharaoh Nefermandias (nts:who dat?) line of Brown Dragons still live today, hiding in ancient pyramids.
  • The Tomb of Urum-Shar: A pyramid built for Nefermandias' daughter, who yet lives and guards the tomb.

    More excerpts from "Memories of Gorgoroth Flamesbreath"

      A lot of info, but not much useful (yet). Did some searching on "labyrinth" + cross-referenced with locations above. Got a hit on Serpentus Rift.      

    Searched "Labyrinth" and "Serpentus Rift"

  • Soulskein: was a right-of-passage for dragons and dragonborn sages in Arkosia. Translated to "Mind Maze" (nts: elven) or "Labyrinth of the Heart" (nts: common).
  • Created by The Golden One: (nts: see 7 Jewels of the S above) who was an authority in dragonsight (nts: see search below). Created Soulskein as a training ground or testing center or religious temple (nts: the Charter seems confused, contradictory here).
  • The Practice / Dragonborn Religion: According to dragonborn belief, a person's soul is shattered upon creation and spread across many universes. By practicing and meditating, a sage can shift their consciousness to a soul shard in other universe (nts: Erathis Charter doesn't go into details, just mentions it as a religion, as a way to understand dragonborn and have better relations with them in society). It's a way to understand oneself in relation to the other. The religion doesn't have a deity or name, they just call it the Practice. (nts: Charter is assuming Soulskein and this religion is related since Soulskein might have been a temple?).

    Searched "Dragonsight" and "The Golden One"

      Dragonsight is a powerful ability that has been perfected by only a select few dragons throughout history. Including:
  • Aasterinian the Brass
  • Ashardalon the Red
  • The Golden One (nts: another hit on this guy)
  • Nathair Sgiathach the Fairy Dragon (nts: wtf?)
  • Tiamat (nts: but not Bahamut?)




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