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Nanoen (Marr'ga na'No'en)

Margadh'Nanoen (known as just Nanoen) is a bright jewel in the otherwise drab desert canyon Serpentus Rift. Nanoen is renowned for its gambling, shopping, fine dining, entertainment, and nightlife. The city serves as the leading financial, commercial, and cultural center for the region. It is famed for its gambling and black market activities.   "What happens in Nanon, stays in Nanoen," is their tourism slogan.   Zot Euan | Orc Resistance knows Nanoen well and can serve as a guide.    


  The city is composed of five seperate boroughs, each led by a unique organization.   The Square is the oldest part of Nanoen and was used as a caravan stop for merchants travelling through the Serpentus Rift. The Square is known for it's access to fresh water wells. The Watersprites control this region, led by someone named the Genie.   The Boneyard sprawls across the western-most part of the city. It was originally just a debris field and junkyard but businesses have spread to this region as the population grew. The Committee control this region, led by the Vulture.   Bulwark Road is the city center and the heart of Nanoen. When people think Nanoen, they usually picture the sights and sound in Bulwark Road. Tarverns, inns, entertainment, shopping, gambling. Lit up by fairie fire 24x7. The Corp of Cadets, led by the General, last controlled this region, but it has recently been taken over by Seethe, a ded dragon.   The Undercroft is the city underneath the city. A vast network of tunnels connect the basements of Nanoen. More than a simple sewer system, the Undercroft is alive with fighting pits, invitation-only gambling halls, and entertainment of a seedier sort. Visitor are attracted to the area because it is believed to be an uncontrolled zone. Which is exactly what the Swarm wants visitors to think.   Below the Undercroft is the Rip, a crevassee that extends down into the Underdark. Few have ever been down to the Undercroft and lived to report their findings. According to Zot, it is controlled by the Unblinking.
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Errepideen Merkatua
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