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Erathis' Charter

The Discs of Civil

Erathis' Charter is a Hexabeyance in the Divine Cordons quadrant.   Also known as the Discs of Civilization, or simply the Discs of Civil, this tome contains legalities, treaties on social justice, rules for orderly conduct between societies and social norms per culture, as collected and documented by the goddess Erathis.   Instead of pages, the Charter contains magical discs which contain the organized information, written in Celestial.   The Charter was located in the Temple of Erathis at the top of the mountain city of Xak-Tsaroth. Sometime after the calamity that fell the city, the Charter was taken by gully dwarves.  


When attuned, the wielder can understand and speak Celestial and has Advantage on Charisma Saving Throws.   Choose One (per Long Rest)   At each Long Rest, the attuned wielder may study one of the discs to gain a specific benefit, or they can peruse a variety of topics for a general benefit. The benefit lasts 24 hours or until the next long rest.  
  • +1 to Ability Checks made with History, Insight, Performance, Persuasion, AND Religion (default).
  • Advantage on Ability Checks made with History, Insight, Performance, Persuasion, OR Religion for a specific race, kingdom, location or culture. Spells
  The book has 6 charges and regains 1d4 charges per day after a Long Rest. When attuned, the wielder can cast the following spells by expending one or more charges.  
  • Ceremony - 1 charge
  • Comprehend Languages - 1 charge
  • Zone of Truth - 2 charges
  • Sending - 3 charges
Item type
Unique Artifact
Subtype / Model


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