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Session 1 - He's Coming

General Summary

Two years after the betrayal of Kastor Raines, King Gaularyz summoned the treehouse survivors to the Basilica Aragath in Scholar's Forum. There he thanked them for their friendship to his children and gave them each a token of his appreciation, a One Pound Box of Blessings. Before leaving, the king commanded the Marshal to watch over these young people as he once watched over the prince and princess.   Five years after the kingly gift, the "Cohort 1" kids of the Youngling Adventurers were maturing into young adults. None of them associated with YA any longer. They watched from afar as YA Recruiters enlisted new cohorts of young kids every few years. Quinn moved away from the area. His ailing grandparents wanted to take an ocean voyage before their life expired and Quinn went to take care of them. S'thom helped around the swamp wherever she could and practiced her martial exercises daily. Berov committed himself to the New Frontiers Guild and helped his parents excavate the digs around Dead Road. Red got a job as a grocer at Prim Rebost and gained an appreciation for how nature provide harvests every season to feed the hungry travellers and neighbors.   Every now and again, the kids would spot Marshal, lurking to the side. He never intruded in their affairs but was never very far away, especially when they were at the docks or in the Bazaar.   It was at Prim Repost where Red and Berov silutaneously experienced sudden sharp headaches that passed within seconds. Then a scream turned into a wail. Marshal, wracked with pain and seizing uncontrollably, needed assistance. When they finally got his seizures to calm, Marshal opened his now-blinded eyes and announced, "He is coming."   They boys took care of Marshal for the next few months, but soon the blind but capable man was back on his feet and adjusted well to his new condition. A year later, everything was much like it was before.   The trio met for lunch at their favorite spot: the Little Stinker. Ibah Eagerine | Halfling Tavernkeeper, the halfling proprietor complained that no one ever ordered their turkey sandwiches while his elderly wife Bhufai | Halfling Tavernkeeper doted on her customers. A delivery of turkeys was announced and then all hell broke loose.   The party stepped outside to find Ibah petrified into solid stone. A flock of ravenous, turkey/lizard/bat creatures were attacking the frontierfolk. Some of the people were fighting the effects of petrification, others were diving for cover in the river or behind shop wagons.   To the side of the chaos, next to a stack of empty bird crates, stood a familiar sight - Kastor Raines, staring down Marshal, once again. Ready for a rematch.   The party killed the closest turkey-monster before it could petrify anyone else, then they split up. Red chased another bird while Berov and S'thom inspected very still - though not petrified - Kastor and Marshal. On closer inspection, it wasn't Kastor afterall, but a different dragonborn with red scales. Both stood unmoving, almost catatonic, and did not respond to shouting, slapping or spitting.   Berov chased after Red and S'Thom soon followed into the crowded market.   -------------------------   Gorgoroth Flamesbreath sifted through the chaos that swirled about and blended his vision, dreams, memory and imagination. One image stood out clear: a pair of yellow eyes. And the githyanki that owned them. Gorgoroth stepped forwared but the gith slapped his arms away. The gith grabbed at Gorgoroth and had his own hands slapped away. Weapons were drawn and they fought.   Gorgoroth's breath did not ignite Hellhammer. It looked no more dangerous than hot breath on a cold morning. The gith was agile and got many strikes on Gorgoroth, but took a heavy hit to the chest. As he exploded into dust and ash, he called to Gorgoroth: "Stop fighting... this..."   -------------------------   While trying to find where Red and Berov had wandered off, S'thom looked back at Marshal's voice. "Stop fighting.... this..." he said.   The red dragonborn fell face-first to the ground.

Rewards Granted

One Pound Box of Blessings per YA kid in the championship

Missions/Quests Completed

YA Championship

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