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Session 13 - Lords

General Summary

After leaving the basement of the Illimine Aufklarung library, the party encountered Lum Brightbox | Kobold Chieftain once more. He offered his respects to the "Star Lords" and was honored that the prophesy his ancestors made was fulfilled on his watch. Gorgoroth told Lum the legend of Bahamut and Tiamat. Lum promised to help in whatever way he could.   Berov asked Lum to have the Starguard Den kobolds dig tunnels between his guild and the Temples of Light. Lum told them that the tunnels were already in progress. Priests from the Queen's Temple hired kobolds of the Warren many years ago. They've been building a secret network of tunnels all over New Frontier for years. It would be unwise for those who oppose The Queen Mother to use those tunnels for smuggling at this time; you never know who or what you might run into. Lum agreed to make maps of the tunnels and gather as much information as he could on their use.   They discussed other information-gathering tasks appropriate for the Starguard Den, including sorting through all of the scrolls and books in the library. Berov wanted to learn about other areas established sometime around the time when New Frontier was settled. Lum warned that this would be a long, slow effort as many of his den cannot read. Berov told him they could trust his parents to help.   The party left Lum to his new business and sought Isabelle Atieno | Elf Priestess at the Eternal Flame Lighthouse. She told them of her contact in the Crvena Vale, someone named Gunther Cyneric | Resistance Contact. They must be careful not to draw too much attention to themselves, but Gunter would recognise Aufklarung Hexabeyance if he/she/they/it witnessed the lantern's power released.   The priestess discussed travel options and the party decided an overland route would be best. Isabelle offered to supply provisions, including a wagon and draft horses.   They decided to pay a visit to Arnorr Coplin | Tiefling Lord of Laline Manor to take up the information-bounty he recently announced. Along the way Berov ran into Drust Dorit | Tiefling Guard who heard Berov gave Penance for throwing him into boxes. Drust apologized as well and offered to escort them to Basilica Aragath in Scholar's Forum. Once there he said farewell and went to the paymaster's office.   Lord Coplin saw to the party immediately and cancelled all other meetings for the day. He treated them to a feast and caught up with them on all matters of gossip around town. Although he couldn't provide any supplies up-front, he referred them to a lender in town. They declined but requested that he provide papers of transit. He quickly procured a letter and told them it made them representatives of himself in New Frontier when meeting other frontierfolk within Verdancia and representatives of King Gaularyz once they left the kingdom.   Business concluded, they travelled back to the Temple district to confirm the plan with Priestess Atieno. When they arrived, Berov noticed that they were being tailed by Jing Fortuyn, their old friend and competitor from Youngling Adventurers. Berov confronted Jing and she admitted she was hired to watch them. He told her that they were taking Lord Coplin's bounty and heading to Crvenic Vale.   At the end of the day, each took care of their own personal affairs and prepared for the journey ahead.


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