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Session 16 - Worms

General Summary

A hideous monster with faces on each end if its body and too many legs killed one of the horses of the ISC recruits' cart. The other horse panicked and thrashed against the cart until S'thom and Red cut the leashes and let her run free.   Guy Peoples | Human ISC Recruit whispered in Henri Norman | Shifter ISC Recruit ear while Henri stared dumbfounded at the monster and the horse's intestines. "It's full of worms," he giggled creepily.   The beast ran off and disappeared into the tall grass before anyone could hit it. The left the recruit's wagon behind and loaded the youngsters with other travellers.   Perle Akbar | Half-Elf Fishmonger drove the caravan hard through the day and night. In the darkness Henri started laughing and would not stop. Berov brewed him a special tea to calm his nerves but its effectiveness was spotty at best.   While Berov's magical light was back at the third wagon, the monster attacked the fishmongers. Kyn disappeared, and was presumed killed and drug into the tall Wolfgrass.   It attacked again the next night, to the cackling and laughter of Henri, who bit his bottom lip off at some point (and laughed that his missing lio looked like a worm).   S'Thom spotted the monster with her darkvision and sprung to attack. She hit the creatire with three swift stabs before Red and Gorgoroth could assist. They didn't kill the beast but they injured scared it off for the reat of the night.   They had pushed the horses to the point of exhaustion and needed to rest them after a short travel day. The wagons were arranged in a defensive diamond formation. Everyone went on high alert when He ri started laughing again. Berov had noticed earlier that he was like an alarm system: every time Henri laughed, the monster struck.   This time the party was ready when the beast attacked their wagon straight on. It scratched up Gorgoroth pretty good but they fell the monster without losing another traveller.   Unfortunately Henri had devolved into violence. He bit Burdene Parr | Elf YA Recruiter and tried to bite Berov.


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