The Melinae Tribe (MEL-EYE-NAY)

"Gaurdians of the Northern Soul"

The Melinae Tribe inhabit the northeastern section of the Embryian Continent. Their home is parted between the jungle swamps of the marshlands and the frozen mountains of La’Kum Manut Vey. In the summer months when the Smooth Pond Drake roam in great numbers, they seclude themselves in the arctic embrace of Lakum and return to the marshland in the bitter winter months.
  Members of the Melinae Tribe belong to the Matveyan Nationality. They are the original mortal race in the Audulis Mundis Universe and are believed to be the children of the goddess Ak’Nun. Their complexion is envied by sibling tribes for it’s diversity. Members of the Melinae can range from a golden Bronze to a supple and radiant slate.
  Unlike some other tribes of Evernia, the Melinae are lead and protected by it’s women. It is a common practice for men to be confined to houses known as bures, while the women of their community live in avales. The Melinae are part of the Dai’o Creato Social Class, meaning they were created by a god or goddess. They once worshiped the gods of Hailotia but over the course of several centuries they began worshiping Adulis Mundis (Universe). The tribe however still gives praise and offers sacrifices to who they believe to be their races mother, Ak’Nun Goddess of Community and Female Ferocity.

The average lifespan of a Malinian female is 80 years, while males can live up to 110. When a leader dies a great feast is held and each member takes part in the burning of their body. Their ashes are then shaken into the wind to return their force to Audulis Mundis in the hope of reincarnation. For lower ranking women and men, their bodies are entombed in Heimon Gaw’chi, the sacred burial lands. This mountain range of pure ice is the final resting place of over seven hundred thousand Melinian’s. The bodies are frozen in time for all who visit to see.



Tribe Colors

Red & Blue


The Great Northern Karr'duq

Country of Origin

La'kum Manut Vey

Band/Tribe of Origin

The Melinae Tribe is part of the Deus zev Yateo "The Fourteen Original Tribes" of the Singular Embryian Continent before the The Great Shift of Land in 450 ACE.

Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe


Mat'veyan Terrama (Similar to Black/African American Human)




80-110 years


Soon to be Released


Branded Crescent Moon Located on the right and left calf of both males and females.


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