The Seideous Tribe (SAY-DEE-OS)

The Seideous Tribe: Guardians of Evernia   In the world of Evernia, a place teeming with magic and wonder, the Seideous Tribe stands as a testament to the benevolent powers of the cosmos. This tribe, a gift to Evernia from the omniscient universe known as Audulis Mundis, crash-landed onto the planet with a divine purpose: to serve as guardians of the land and oceans. Their arrival marked a new era for Evernia, intertwining their destiny with the very heart of the planet.  

Origins of the Seideous Tribe

  The Seideous Tribe hails from the cosmic expanse of Audulis Mundis, the universe itself, which is all-knowing and all-encompassing. Within this infinite realm, beings of immense wisdom and power exist, guiding the balance of worlds across the galaxies. The Seideous Tribe was chosen from among these celestial beings, bestowed with the sacred mission to protect and nurture Evernia.   Their journey to Evernia was not without peril. The celestial vessel carrying the Seideous Tribe encountered a cosmic storm, leading to a catastrophic crash landing. Despite the unexpected and violent arrival, the tribe emerged unscathed, their resilience and determination undiminished. This event, seen by the Evarnians as a sign of divine intervention, heralded the beginning of a profound relationship between the Seideous Tribe and the inhabitants of Evernia.  

Guardians of the Land and Oceans

  Upon their arrival, the Seideous Tribe immediately set to work, fulfilling their role as guardians. They possess an intrinsic connection to nature, able to communicate with flora and fauna, and manipulate the elements to maintain balance and harmony. Their guardianship is divided into two primary domains: the land and the oceans.  

Land Guardianship

  The Seideous Tribe's guardianship of the land involves maintaining the health of Evernia's forests, mountains, and plains. They possess an intimate knowledge of the planet's flora, using their abilities to foster growth, heal blights, and prevent natural disasters. The tribe's shamans and druids can call upon the spirits of the land, ensuring that the soil remains fertile and the ecosystems thrive.   Their presence is most profoundly felt in the sacred groves and ancient forests of Evernia. These areas, teeming with magical energy, serve as sanctuaries where the tribe performs rituals to honor the planet and renew its vitality. The Seideous Tribe also works closely with the Evarnian communities, sharing their knowledge of sustainable farming, herbal medicine, and ecological preservation.  

Ocean Guardianship

  The Seideous Tribe's connection to the oceans is equally profound. They are masters of the waves, able to calm storms, guide marine life, and purify the waters. Their underwater cities, constructed from living coral and enchanted stones, are marvels of architecture and environmental harmony. These cities serve as both homes and bases of operation for their guardianship duties.   The tribe's aquamancers and sea druids play a crucial role in monitoring the health of Evernia's oceans. They ensure that the delicate balance of marine ecosystems is maintained, protecting coral reefs, mangroves, and marine life from pollution and overexploitation. The Seideous Tribe also engages in efforts to rescue and rehabilitate sea creatures affected by natural or man-made disasters.  

Cultural Significance

  The arrival and ongoing presence of the Seideous Tribe have left an indelible mark on Evernia's culture and society. The Evarnians revere the tribe as divine protectors, often depicting them in art, literature, and folklore. Festivals and ceremonies are held in their honor, celebrating the tribe's contributions to the planet's well-being.   The Seideous Tribe's wisdom and way of life have also influenced Evarnian philosophies and practices. Their teachings emphasize the interconnectedness of all life, the importance of stewardship, and the need for balance between progress and preservation. This ethos has inspired a deeper appreciation for nature and a commitment to sustainability among the Evarnians.  

Challenges and Future Prospects

  Despite their powerful abilities and noble mission, the Seideous Tribe faces numerous challenges. The ever-changing climate, growing population, and technological advancements of Evernia pose threats to the natural world they strive to protect. Additionally, conflicts and misunderstandings between different Evarnian factions occasionally hinder their efforts. However, the Seideous Tribe remains steadfast in their dedication. They continue to adapt and innovate, finding new ways to fulfill their guardianship duties. Their alliance with the Evarnians grows stronger, fostering a collaborative spirit that bodes well for the future of Evernia.



Tribe Colors




Country of Origin

Audulis Mundis

Band/Tribe of Origin

The Seideous Tribe is part of the Deus zev Yateo "The Fourteen Original Tribes" of the Singular Embryian Continent before the The Great Shift of Land in 450 ACE.

Geopolitical, Tribe


Mat'veyan Terrama (Similar to Indigenous Human)




150-230 Years






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