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Entrance to the Faerfyre Temple

The Giant Rune-Covered Double Door:

Before your players stands an imposing double door made of ancient, weathered stone. The surface is adorned with intricate runes that seem to glow faintly with a mysterious energy. The door is massive, easily towering twice the height of an average person. The air around it is charged with a subtle hum, and a soft, ethereal glow emanates from the runes.  
  • Number of Checks Required: 6
  • Number of Failures before Elementals Attack: 2
  • Skill DC: 16

Skill Checks

  Arcana: Success: A successful Arcana check reveals that the runes are a complex magical lock. By deciphering the arcane symbols, the player gains insight into the correct sequence to unlock the door. Failure: Misinterpreting the runes triggers a magical ward, setting off a brief surge of energy that alerts nearby earth elementals to the intrusion.   Investigation: Success: A thorough investigation of the door reveals subtle differences in the pattern of the runes. By discerning these variations, the player can deduce the correct combination to unlock the door. Failure: Fumbling with the runes triggers a magical trap, causing the door to shake, and a low rumble echoes through the plateau, alerting nearby earth elementals.   Nature: Success: A successful Nature check allows the player to sense the natural energies surrounding the door. They can feel the flow of earth magic and intuitively understand how to harmonize with it to unlock the door. Failure: Disrupting the natural balance triggers a reaction from the earth itself, causing the ground to tremble as earth elementals are summoned to protect the sacred space.   Dexterity (Thieves' Tools): Success: Using their nimble fingers and keen sense of touch, a successful Dexterity check with Thieves' Tools enables the player to manipulate the mechanisms behind the runes, unlocking the door silently. Failure: A failed attempt triggers a mechanical trap, causing a loud click as the mechanisms jam, alerting nearby earth elementals.   Persuasion/Charisma: Success: The characters notice a faint, ghostly figure near the door. A successful Persuasion check allows them to communicate with the spirit, convincing it to reveal the correct sequence to unlock the door peacefully. Failure: Disturbing the spirit's rest triggers its ire, causing it to unleash a burst of energy that summons earth elementals to defend the sacred space. Choose the appropriate DCs (Difficulty Class) for these checks based on your players' levels and the level of challenge you want to present    


Deciphering runes through an Skill check involves understanding the magical symbols and their inherent meanings. Here's how your players might approach this task: Studying the Patterns: Successful Skill checks may reveal that the runes follow specific patterns or sequences. Players could examine the door closely, noting the recurring symbols and their arrangements.   Recognizing Magical Intent: Proficient spellcasters might identify certain runes as magical commands or triggers. They could recognize patterns that indicate the runes' functions, such as unlocking, sealing, or protecting.   Consulting Knowledge: If your players have encountered similar runes before, they might draw on their past experiences. A successful Skill check could involve recalling information from ancient tomes, past encounters, or even shared knowledge among the party members.   Detecting Enchantment: Using magical senses, characters might detect an enchantment around certain runes. A successful Skill check allows them to understand the purpose of each enchanted symbol and how they interact with each other.   Interpreting Symbolic Meanings: Runes often have symbolic meanings. Successful Skill checks could involve deciphering the symbolic language encoded in the runes, revealing the underlying message or command they convey.   Trial and Error with Caution: Players might experiment with touching or lightly interacting with specific runes while keeping an eye out for any magical responses. This cautious trial and error approach could be part of a successful Skill check, as they gradually piece together the correct sequence.  

Possible Encounter


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