
Those who are classed as agents are law enforcement officers, customs officials, spies, and saboteurs, those who work in the shadows, or shine a light on them. Agents work for every major state, and virtually every corporation. Agents frequently have a good deal of latitude with their employers, and special legal protection that other citizens of local society lack. Though they are often part of larger agencies, on a daily basis, agents often work alone, or in small groups, though it is not unheard of for vast spy rings to bring entire worlds to their knees.

Skills and Training

1D Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (EDU 8+)
1 Gun Combat Streetwise Advocate
2 DEX +1 Drive Language
3 END +1 Investigate Explosives
4 Melee Flyer Medic
5 INT +1 Recon Vacc Suit
6 Athletics Gun Combat Electronics
1D Law Enforcement Intelligence Corporate
1 Investigate Investigate Investigate
2 Recon Recon Electronics (computers)
3 Streetwise Electronics (comms) Stealth
4 Stealth Stealth Carouse
5 Melee Persuade Deception
6 Advocate Deception Streetwise

Ranks and Bonuses

Rank Title (Law Enforcement) Skill or Bonus
0 Rookie
1 Patroller Streetwise 1
2 Sergeant
3 Detective
4 Lieutenant Investigate 1
5 Chief Admin 1
6 Commissioner SOC +1
Rank Title (Intelligence/Corporate) Skill or Bonus
1 Agent Deception 1
2 Field Agent Investigation 1
4 Special Agent Gun Combat 1
5 Assistant Director
6 Director


1D Mishap
1 Severely injured (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury Table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
2 A criminal or other figure under investigation offers you a deal. Accept, and you leave this career without further penalty (although you lose the Benefit roll as normal). Refuse, and you must roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result. You gain an Enemy and one level in any skill you choose
3 An investigation goes critically wrong or leads to the top, ruining your career. Roll Advocate 8+. If you succeed, you may keep the Benefit roll from this term. If you roll 2, you must take the Prisoner career in your next term.
4 You learn something you should not know, and people want to kill you for it. Gain an Enemy and Deception 1.
5 Your work ends up coming home with you, and someone gets hurt. Choose one of your Contacts, Allies or family members, and roll twice on the Injury Table for them, taking the lower result.
6 Injured. Roll on the Injury Table.


2D Event
2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
3 An investigation takes on a dangerous turn. Roll Investigate 8+ or Streetwise 8+. If you fail, roll on the Mishap Table. If you succeed, increase one of these skills by one level: Deception, Jack-of-all-Trades, Persuade or Tactics.
4 You complete a mission for your superiors, and are suitably rewarded. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll from this career.
5 You establish a network of contacts. Gain D3 Contacts.
6 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Roll EDU 8+ to increase any one skill you already have by one level.
7 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events Table.
8 You go undercover to investigate an enemy. Roll Deception 8+. If you succeed, roll immediately on the Rogue or Citizen Events Table and make one roll on any Specialist skill table for that career. If you fail, roll immediately on the Rogue or Citizen Mishap Table.
9 You go above and beyond the call of duty. Gain DM+2 to your next Advancement check.
10 You are given specialist training in vehicles. Gain one of Drive 1, Flyer 1, Pilot 1 or Gunner 1.
11 You are befriended by a senior agent. Either increase Investigate by one level or DM+4 to an Advancement roll thanks to their aid.
12 Your efforts uncover a major conspiracy against your employers. You are automatically promoted.


1D Cash Benefit
1 GCr1,000 Scientific Equipment
2 GCr2,000 INT +1
3 GCr5,000 Ship Share
4 CR7,5000 Weapon
5 GCr10,000 Combat Implant
6 GCr25,000 SOC +1 or Combat Implant
7 GCr50,000 SOC +2
Qualification: INT 6+
DM-1 for every previous career
You must choose one of the below as an assignment.
Law Enforcement: Someone in law enforcement, a police officer, a militia member, or a customs inspector among others.
Intelligence: Spies and saboteurs. Those who undermine hostile actors through subterfuge.
Corporate: A corporate spy, absconding with trade secrets.
Law Enforcement. END 6+
Intelligence. INT 7+
Corporate. INT 5+
Law Enforcement. INT 6+
Intelligence. INT 5+
Corporate. INT 7+


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