
Antimatter, matter which consists of particles with an oppositite charge to most matter in the universe. When antimatter comes into contact with matter, the two particulate masses annihilate each other in a large discharge of energy. This means that it can be harnassed to create energy, or for further scientific research into the nature of matter, anti-matter, and Dark Matter, the fundamental building blocks of massive objects in the universe. Antimatter is an a dangerous material that nonetheless has been sought after for scientific purposes, and the hopes that it may eventually surpass even fusion technology for the purposes of generating the power required to power spacefaring civilizations.   Antimatter is generally only made with the use of large particle colliders that require extensive resources and technical expertise to construct, and its production is extremely dangerous, with the possibility of destroying the supercollider and a wide area around it. Containing antimatter is also a difficult prospect, as it cannot ever come into contact with matter until it is absolutely necessary. As a result, antimatter production and use is largely confined to laboratories, typically in Civilized Space, and there are relatively few labs which regularly do make sue of antimatter, outside those that directly experiment with the possibility of antimatter power production. There a handful of private entities, that participate in this research, but government research labs, particularly those in the Union of Sol, Centauri Republic, Fracana League, and the Cetian Union, tend to be leading the charge regarding research into antimatter. Most of the time, Anti-hydrogen is form of antimatter that is intentionally generated, as it is the least massive, and easiest to contian antimatter, however other types have been experimented with, and some believe that anti-duterium may actually be the ticket to generating usable amounts of power from matter-antimatter reactions .


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