Aseni System
The capital of the Aseni Popular Republic, the Aseni system is a densely populated, heavily industrialized system, that serves as the economic as well as political center of the Republic. The Aseni System has long served as the sector capital, and remains nominally the capital of the Aseni Sector. During the Long Night it was the capital of the Aseni Sector Government, however the Aseni Revolution and the following civil war rent the Sector apart. It remains an extremely important system, and one of the most advanced near frontier space. Most of the worlds of the Aseni system are quite hostile to live on, and have made the people hardy and strong.
Aseni is a large red dwarf star at the heart of the Aseni System. It maintains a fairly sizable system of planets for a Red Dwarf, including a fair number of Super Earth sized planets. Aseni is well into its main sequence, but still has trillions of years of life expectancy despite its maturity.
0a-8 Dailan UWP - AAA4AA6-F
0b-10: Lien Xo: UWP - H8C2466-7
0c-13 Cam Bay: UWP - Y864000-0
Appearing deceptively livable, Cam Bay was home to multiple colonization attempts that have all failed due to mysterious radiation spikes.
0d-35 Aseni Ba: UWP - Y9B0000-0
0e-75 Daynam: UWP - GDD7765-E
2a-1 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
2b-6 Aseni IIIa UWP - Y450000-0
4a-1 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
4b-10 Aseni IVa UWP - F100847-5
2a-1 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
2b-3 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
2c-8 Han UWP - Y986220-E
7a-7 Aseni VIIa UWP - Y200000-0
7b-9 Aseni VIIb UWP - Y300000-0
Major Celestial Bodies
Primary Star
UWP-S - 62 Lambda Eti "Aseni" M3VAseni is a large red dwarf star at the heart of the Aseni System. It maintains a fairly sizable system of planets for a Red Dwarf, including a fair number of Super Earth sized planets. Aseni is well into its main sequence, but still has trillions of years of life expectancy despite its maturity.
Major Orbiting Bodies
0 Aseni B
USP-2 - Aseni B Brown Dwarf GG0a-8 Dailan UWP - AAA4AA6-F
- 16,201 km diameter, approximately 1.4g gravity, Exotic atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 47% of planetary surface
- Population: 13,510,990,540, Tech-level 15, Type A Starport with Local Naval Depot and Galactic Surveyor's Guild Waystation
- Government: Charismatic Dictatorship; Other Factions: Committee for the restoration of the Republic, Technocratic Party, Vegan Resistance Movement, Law Level: 6
- Trade Codes: FL-Hi-Ht-In-Nc-CP
0b-10: Lien Xo: UWP - H8C2466-7
- 12,200 km diameter, approximately 1g gravity, Insidiously Corrosive atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 22% of planetary surface
- Population: 16,115, Tech-Level: 15 Type H Spaceport
- Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 6
- Trade Codes: Bi-Fl-Ht-Mil
0c-13 Cam Bay: UWP - Y864000-0
Appearing deceptively livable, Cam Bay was home to multiple colonization attempts that have all failed due to mysterious radiation spikes.
0d-35 Aseni Ba: UWP - Y9B0000-0
0e-75 Daynam: UWP - GDD7765-E
- 22,556 km diameter, Apprxoimately 1.85g gravity, Dense, high atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 78% of the planetary surface.
- Population: 82,612,999, Tech-Level: 14, Type G Spaceport
- Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 5
- Trade Codes: Bi-Ht-Col-Min
1 Aseni II
UWP - Aseni II Y7A0000-02 Aseni III
USP-2 - Small GG2a-1 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
2b-6 Aseni IIIa UWP - Y450000-0
3 Planetoid Belt
UWP - Y000315-E- Planetoid Belt
- Population: 1,721, Tech-level: 14, No Spaceport
- Government: Corporate, Law Level: 5
- Trade Codes: As-Ht-Lo-Va-Min
4 Aseni IV
UWP - Y423000-04a-1 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
4b-10 Aseni IVa UWP - F100847-5
5 Aseni V
UWP - YCC5000-02a-1 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
2b-3 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
2c-8 Han UWP - Y986220-E
- 13,000 km diameter, Approximately 1.2g gravity, Thick atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 62% of atmosphere
- Population: 986, Tech-level 14, No Spaceport
- Government: Participatory Democracy, Law Level: 0
- Trade Codes: Ht-Lo-Min-Far
6 Aseni VI
UWP - Y000000-07 Aseni VII
UWP - Y887000-07a-7 Aseni VIIa UWP - Y200000-0
7b-9 Aseni VIIb UWP - Y300000-0
UWP-1 - Aseni 2022 AAA4AA6-F
USSP - Aseni 2022 M3V 8 F
USSP - Aseni 2022 M3V 8 F
Alternative Name(s)
Dailan System
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization