
A citizen is a general member of the working class, the sorts of people who make the world go around. This can include simple blue collar manufacturing, resource extraction, or farming work, working in the service sector or as part of the corporate bureaucracy, or for this not averse to risk, making a life for themselves in frontier space. Citizens work for a truly diverse array of employers, but can be found in nearly any society that hasn't fallen, or deliberately limited itself to feralism and a pre-industrial level of technology.

Skills and Training

1D Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (EDU 8+)
1 EDU +1 Drive or Flyer Art
2 INT +1 Persuade or Diplomat Advocate
3 Carouse Streetwise Diplomat
4 Gambler Melee or Admin Language
5 Language Steward Electronics (computers)
6 Jack-of-all-Trades Profession Medic
1D Functionary Worker Rural Colonist
1 Advocate Drive Animals Animals
2 Admin Mechanic Athletics Athletics
3 Broker Electronics Profession Jack-of-all-Trades
4 Electronics (computer) Engineer Drive Drive
5 Diplomat Profession Flyer Survival
6 Leadership Science Profession Recon

Ranks and Bonuses

Rank Title (Functionary) Skill or Bonus
2 Manager Admin 1
4 Senior Manager Advocate 1
6 Director SOC +1
Rank Title (Worker) Skill or Bonus
2 Technician Profession 1
4 Craftsman Mechanic 1
6 Master Technician Engineer 1
Rank Title (Rural) Skill or Bonus
0 Farmhand
1 Animals 1
3 Senior Farmhand Athletics 1
Rank Title (Colonist) Skill or Bonus
2 Settler Survival 1
4 Explorer Navigation 1
6 Gun Combat 1


1D Mishap
1 Severely injured (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury Table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
2 You are harassed and your life ruined by a criminal gang. Gain the an Enemy.
3 Hard times cost you your job. Lose one SOC.
4 Your business is investigated by the planetary authorities (or your colony suffers interference from interests offworld). Co-operate, and the business or colony is shut down, but you gain DM+2 to the Qualification check for your next career as a reward for your aid. Refuse, and gain an Ally.
5 A revolution, attack or other unusual event throws your life into chaos, forcing you to leave the planet. Roll Streetwise 8+. If you succeed, increase any skill you have by one level
6 Injured. Roll on the Injury Table.


2D Event
2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
3 Political upheaval strikes your homeworld, and you are caught up in the revolution. Gain either Advocate 1, Persuade 1, Explosives 1 or Streetwise 1. Roll whichever skill you chose 8+. If you succeed you come out on the winning side, and gain DM+2 to your next Advancement roll. Fail, and you suffer DM-2 to your next Survival roll.
4 You spend time maintaining and using heavy vehicles, either as part of your job or as a hobby. Increase Mechanic, Drive, Electronics, Flyer or Engineer by one level.
5 Your business expands, your corporation grows, or the colony thrives. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll.
6 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Roll EDU 10+ to gain any one skill of your choice at level 1.
7 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events Table.
8 You learn something you should not have, which you can profit from illegally. If you choose to do so, then you gain DM+1 to a Benefit roll from this career and gain Streetwise 1, Deception 1 or a criminal Contact. If you refuse, you gain nothing.
9 You are rewarded for your diligence or cunning. Gain DM+2 to your next Advancement check.
10 You gain experience in a technical field as a computer operator or surveyor. Increase Electronics or Engineer by one level.
11 You befriend a superior in the corporation or the colony. Gain an Ally. Either gain Diplomat 1 or DM+4 to your next Advancement roll thanks to their aid.
12 You rise to a position of power in your colony or corporation. You are automatically promoted.


1D Cash Benefits
1 GCr2,000 Ship Share
2 GCr5,000 Ally
3 GCr10,000 INT +1
4 GCr10,000 EDU +1
5 GCr10,000 Personal Vehicle
6 GCr20,000 Two Ship Shares
7 GCr100,000 SOC +1
Qualification: EDU 5+
DM-1 for every previous career
Assignments: You must choose one of the below as an assignment.
Functionary: An executive, bureaucrat, or manager in a large organization.
Worker: A blue collar worker often on an industrial world.
Rural. A worker in an agri-world, generally a peaceful life of hard work.
Colonist: Those who build a new life on a recently settled world that still needs taming.
Functionary. SOC 6+
Worker. END 4+
Rural. END 4+
Colonist. INT 7+
Functionary. INT 6+
Worker. EDU 8+
Rural. STR 8+
Colonist. END 5+


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