Io Sector

The Io Sector is one of the newest, and least settled of the sectors of Civilized Space, and utterly dominated politically by the Republic of Istengrav. The Io Sector was once one of the most populous and economically prosperous parts of human space, however the Jred Scourge saw nearly half of the worlds in the Sector fall to Jred invasion, with many being utterly depopulated by the Jred. The Io Sector as a result is sparsely populated, severely underdeveloped and is a backwater nearly in line with the Wilder parts of Frontier Space, though Io is a well developed Edenic paradise compared to the few surviving colonies scattered throughout the highly dangerous Jred Space.   The Io Sector is home to only a single interstellar state, The Republic of Istengrav, one of the more underdeveloped states and of the Frentierist Republics that lie in Civilized Space. There are a handful of independent systems in the region, most of which lie in the Yorkmund Run, however, there are no independent systems of any power or influence, and the colonies of the Run tend to be small, feral, semi-feral, or at best, early space age tech, and in a state of desperate poverty, and some of which are under siege from Jred who had survived the Great Cataclysm.   There are twenty eight star systems in the Io Sector, seventeen of these systems are inhabited, with all but one of the uninhabited systems are Jred Infested, and one, Defiance, is host to a heavy infestation that has completely compromised the ecosystem. There are two major clusters of worlds, the Istengrav cluster, which lies in the coreward area of the Sector, and the major feature of the Sector, the Yorkmund Run is one of the largest clusters of star systems in charted space. Two of the Sector's borders lie in Frontier Space, one in the Quiet Frontier, and one in the Jred Frontier. Coreward of the Sector lies the Arcturus Sector, and Spinward of it lies the Gemini Sector.


Interstellar States

Republic of Istengrav
Organization | Aug 6, 2024

The Republic of Istengrav is a major, though somewhat backwards interstellar state located in the Io Sector.


  • Io Sector Map
    A map of the Io Sector, an area of space still in recovery from the Jred.
Star System Sector
Included Organizations


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