Arcturus Sector

The Arcturus Sector is one of the nine charted and colonized sectors of what is known as civilized space. It is one of the most quiet of the sectors of civilized space, with little in the way of interstellar politicking that other sectors have, and were it not for the Jumpgate network that crisscrosses the sector Arcturus would be indistinguishable from Frontier Space. The region was never especially densely settled, with the first major colonial expeditions occurring towards the end of the Second Expansion. The Arcturus Sector became a refugee center towards the end of the Jred Scourge, which dramatically increased the population of Arcturus. The privations of the Long Night, cast much of the Sector into darkness, and it wasn't until the Galactic Surveyor's Guild resurveyed the region and built Jumpgates that Arcturus would be join Civilized Space.   There are currently no interstellar states in the Arcturus Sector, an anomaly in Civilized Space. However, there are still a number of independent systems that are inordinately powerful and wield considerable influence especially among the generally weaker systems of the Sector. Among them, Bolivar, and the old sector capital, Arcturus are clear competitors. The sector is also thoroughly influenced by major interstellar organizations, and Bolivar is in fact the headquarters of one such organization, the Galactic Mercenary Guild.   The Arcturus Sector is relatively sparsely populated, with only twenty star systems within Arcturus Space. Of these eighteen are populated, with two, the Istivian System, and the Hreaklion System left uninhabited. There are several minor clusters scattered throughout the Arcturus Sector, each about three to five systems in size. The sector is at an inflection of civilized space. The Sol Sector lies spinward of it; coreward of the sector lies the Urea Sector, and Rimward lies the Io Sector. Counterspinward of the Arcturus sector lies the Quiet Frontier, one of the more settled, and generally fairly stable, if terribly backward frontiers in the known galaxy.


Galactic Organizations

Galactic Surveyor's Guild: The Galactic Surveyor's Guild is a major player in Arcturian affairs. Not only is its construction of extensive Jumpgate lanes a major contributor to the inclusion of the Sector in civilized space, but the GSG actively plays a major role in the movement of cargo between worlds here. The Guild operates two Waystations and two additional bases.
Opus Dei: Opus Dei has been quite successful in this region, coreward from its home region in the Io Sector, it has reached most mid-tech and lower systems, and become the dominant faith in many of them. Opus Dei is less successful in advanced worlds, but is still fairly capable of spreading the word.
Planetary Expeditions: Planetary Expeditions maintains a modest presence in the Arcturus Sector. The area lacking much in the way of known xeno settlement means that they do not expect to find much in the sector, nor in the queit frontier which is known for its relative lack of anything of interest to Plan-Ex. However, a number of manufacturing colonies have been established, and the workers of Arcturus are all too pleased to work in them.
Scipion Studio Enterprises: SSE has turned an enormous profit at the hands of Arcturian peoples, the region, divided and lacking in any other major media enterprise, have become whole invested in SSE products. A number of studios have opened up on the more peaceful worlds, and products are shipped throughout the sector freely, and making a handsome profit, particularly compared to the relative sizes of the local economies.
L'Institutul per la Ricerca Psionica: The Psi Institute has done handsomely here, lacking any organized resistance, and with plenty of minor institutes seeking funding and support, it has found ample ground to spread its influence. Nowhere is this more evident than on Arcturus itself, where a major Psionic academy serves as a co-equal branch of the military academies of the Arcturian self defense forces.


  • Arcturus Sector Map
    A map of the Arcturus Sector, the least settled sector of Civilized Space.
Star System Sector


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