Mutual Development and Assistance Pact

The Mutual Development and Assistance Pact (MUDAP) is a supernational economic and military cooperative backed primarily by the Cincastrella Confederacy and Democratic Republic of Yuanjing. It was formed for the express purposes of economically developing and protecting Stelsoc systems in Pardian Space as well as sponsoring colonial ventures deeper into the galactic core. The MUDAP is one of the most influential organizations in Frontier Space, though it has many enemies including the Saratov Anti-Socialist Organization (SASO) which has actively fought pact influence and is itself a potent and growing military alliance, particularly within the confines of Civilized Space.


The Mutual Development and Assistance Pact maintains little in the way of organization, being largely, at least publically, merely an economic bloc rather than any sort of government. It maintains a Constiuent Assembly that is responsible for setting most matters of policy, as well as providing funds for the various projects underway by its various members and soon to be members. Underneath the Constiuent Assembly are three Bureaus. The first and oldest of these Bureau of Development, which is responsible for most of the mutual economic development programs, as well as maintaining the fleet of surveyors and colony ships at the organization's disposal. After the Bureau of Development is the Bureau of Outreach which handles most of the normal diplomatic channels operated by the MUDAP as an independent entity rather than dealing with constiuent members. The last is the Volunteer Corps which is seen as the Pact's militant arm, operating military assets, particularly the combined fleet and fleet marines that safeguard Pact member worlds that cannot properly defend themselves.

Public Agenda

The stated agenda of the Mutual Development and Assistance Pact is to aid in the development of the Pardian Frontier, to foster Stelsoc societies within the same space, and to sponsor the development of colonies aligned with the MUDAP throughout Frontier Space, particularly in the Far Frontier of Pardian Space. This agenda has resulted in the outsized pouring in of investment in personnel and materiel from the MUDAP's largest contributors into smaller colonial ventures and fledgling Stelsoc states in Pardian space. However, critics of the Pact make the claim that the Pact's actual agenda is the expansion of Yuan influence and protecting its economic interests in Pardian Space.


The MUDAP has extensive assets at its disposal, primarily in the form of large monetary reserves which it can use to purchase vast quantities of equipment for use by Pact member states. Frequently the cash reserves, provided by wealthier members of the Pact are used for the development of more impoverished worlds, particularly with a focus on developing advanced infrastructure. Many major cooperatives and bureaus of Stelsoc civilization have also pledged material support to the pact including the FSI and ZuĂ­ Liang Shipbuilding Bureau who are some of the few major shipbuilders coreward of Sol that can produce viable colony ships and terraformers.   The Nova Luanda Pact, as a result of its connections has resulted in the Pact maintaining a fairly sizable fleet of colony ships, primarily of the Xiwang class, as well as a number of surveyor and explorator ships, courier ships, and smaller freighters. Additionally, the Pact maintains a modest fleet of warships seconded to the organization by its member worlds these warships, frequently of Cincastrella design, Yuan funding, and local construction and crewed multinationally patrol member worlds to combat pirates as well as the encroachmnet of hostile foreign powers. This fleet is supplemented by a cadre of marines drawn from member worlds, which is small, but quite capable.


The Mutual Development and Assistance Pact first arose out of the growing bond between the Democratic Republic of Yuanjing and the Cincastrella Confederacy. Both states, pressed against by the State of Pariah and relatively isolated in a small corner of Civilized Space needed a new method of securing contact with the outside world. Adding to this was the ideologically based drive to secure a future for the Greater Stelsoc movement in the fragmented galaxy left behind by the Great Cataclysm. Initially a simple bilateral alliance existed between the two states, who would cooperate to build transit links that didn't rely on Pariah Jumpgates to move cargo. Overtime these trade links would become economic pacts and the furthering of ties between independent Frontier systems aligned with Cincastrella. 380 years after the Great Cataclysm a formal pact would be signed on the Planet Nova Luanda creating a supranational organization to coordinate these ongoing efforts, this pact would become the basis of the Mutual Development and Assistance Pact.   In the years since its foundation the Mutual Development and Assistance Pact has slowly expanded its operations and influence, primarily through economic investment into fledging Stelsoc, and Stelsoc aligned societies within Pardian space primarily. However these expansions have also included to a lesser extent the outright colonization of new systems in the Far Frontier. It has also come to the defense of multiple Stelsoc systems that had been pressured by their SASO rivals, particularly those of Pariah. Some would argue however, that the MUDAP has not only been defending and developing friendly systems, but indeed has been arming rebel groups in hostile systems in a bid to secure more systems under their banner. Such allegations are of course denied by the Pact officials asked about it, but reporting from Sciviso News has revealed armaments shipments to Red Guerillas throughout the Coreward Rift Frontier, and the Pardian Frontier, which have been used against SASO aligned and otherwise hostile independent systems.
Founding Date
AC 380
Alliance, Economic
Alternative Names
Pardian Development Pact, Nova Luanda Pact
Legislative Body
Plenary Assembly

Member States and Worlds

Democratic Republic of Yuanjing
Organization | Aug 2, 2023

The most prominent and powerful Stelsoc society in charted space, Yuanjing is a major economic and industrial hub.

Cincastrella Confederacy
Organization | Dec 13, 2023

A small, but economically prosperous, and technologically advanced Stelsoc state at the northeastern corner of civilized space

Character flag image: by Javak


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