Far Frontier

The Far Frontier is a region of Frontier Space at the extreme edges of current human civilization, located beyond the ordered, organized, and mostly rebuilt sectors of Civilized Space, and even the somewhat chaotic regions of the Near Frontier. Much of the closer reaches of the Far Frontier did historically have a significant human presence, many were lost during the Jred Scourge, and more were lost or abandoned following the collapse of interstellar civilization after it. Officially defined as regions of space that have not been fully charted in the years since the Long Night. It is an area of nearly complete anarchy, particularly on an interstellar scale. The regions of the Far Frontier are highly disorganized with relatively few human settlements, and fewer higher technology ones, as most of the areas comprising the Far Frontier were only lightly terraformed, and many that were were xenoformed by the Jred during the Scourge, many of the worlds of the Far Frontier are mostly unihabitable, which resulted in many worlds that had been settled being abandoned in the chaos following the Scourge.   The Far Frontier generally starts between twenty four and thirty parsecs out from Sol, though exact exact distances are difficult to determine, and have slowly been expanding out as the Galactic Surveyor's Guild has begun to expand its operations, and settlers eager for new lands, prospectors looking for a quick buck, and archaeologists eager to uncover alien, or even human, ruins, follow shortly behind them. The Far Frontier's outer edges expand ad infinitum beyond even the farthest reaches of human settlement before the Jred were discovered. Life on the Far Frontier is rather perilous, and many how set out to create colonies fail, often dying in the process. Many colonies that had survived tend to be smaller agricultural bases on habitable worlds. Though it is often vigourously denied many major corporations have research stations in the Far Frontier that are used to conduct, less than ethical experiments.  


The boundaries of what is considered the Far Frontier and what distinguishes it from the Near Frontier and truly uncharted space are somewhat fuzzy with different definitions of the frontier. The currently accepted defition for most, that from the Galactic Surveyor's Guild defines the Far Frontier as sectors of space that have significant human habitation (considered at least a twenty percent rate of settled systems), that lack integration into the Jumpgate network, the presence of interstellar states, or indeed any multi-system organization. The other commonly used definition, created by Planetary Expeditions considers overall population with the Far Frontier having an average density of between one hundred million and five billion persons per sector area.   The rough boundaries for these tend to lie between eighteen and twenty parsecs away from the Sol System on the inward side. Outer boundaries are more difficult to establish but tend to fall shy of one hundred parsecs from the Sol System, skewing significantly closer in the Rimward reaches due to high Jred presence, and slightly further out in the easily settled, and relatively quiet coreward rim. There are therefore a variable number of sectors of the Far Frontier, but the current charts indicate as between one hundred and three hundred fifty and sectors in the Far Frontier. Numbers vary as information about the Far Frontier is slow to update on account of the lack of connection, or even proximity to connection and the relatively underdeveloped starports of the region.

Localized Phenomena

The Far Frontier is known for the relatively unusual conditions compared to the nearer areas of the Frontier or Civilized Space. This is most notable in jump space where the consequences of the Great Cataclysm still ring stronger as the Psionic scream at its source passes through at light speed, this leads to much higher frequency of Jumpspace Anomalies. In the Jred space parts of the Far Frontier, there is a far greater preponderance of the more dangerous and intelligent bioforms as many worlds have been thoroughly infested and possess incredibly intelligend worldminds.

Natural Resources

The Far Frontier has a wide array of resources, and has gone relatively untapped compared to the nearer regions of the Frontier and especially in Civilized Space. Large amounts of Dark Matter, Antimatter, and indeed the regular raw materials including petrochemicals, metals, and even basic elements such as hydrogen. More arcane resources such as Pardian ruins are also found in abundance in the Far Frontier. This has led to a rush of prospectors moving deep into the Frontier in an attempt to strike it rich.


The Far Frontier sees little actual tourism as the much greater dangers of travelling in areas with almost no overarching oversight, more dangerous natural phenomena and even a comparative lack of starports or even inhabited worlds to run to in the event of accidents or violence. Those who come temporarily are often prospectors, scientists, and surveyors rather than tourists. In rare cases however, particularly beautiful, and pristine worlds have become destinations for the adventuerous however.
Alternative Name(s)
Deep Frontier

Rules for System Generation

The rules here represent noteworthy divergences from the system generation rules found in Mongoose Traveller, 2nd edition, with supplemental developments based upon from Traveller5 and Classic Traveller.
System Presence
Pardian/Wild Frontier (Coreward of Sol): Roll D6. Presence confirmed on 4-6.
Rift Frontier (Spinward of Sol): Roll D6. Presence confirmed on a 6.
Quiet Frontier (Antispinward of Sol): Roll D6. Presence confirmed on 5-6.
Jred Frontier (Rimward): Roll D6. Presence confirmed on 4-6.
Main World
  • Size: Before size roll, roll d3 for Super-Earth. (1; roll for size as normal. 2; roll 2d for size. 3; roll d3 for size (1 Size 10/A, 2 Size 11/B, 3 Size 12/C))
  • Atmosphere: Roll as normal being mindful of different sizes.
  • Hydrography: Include optional rules for hot and cold worlds.
  • Population: Before population roll 2d (1-3; population 0. 4-6; roll d-3 for population. 7-9; roll d-1 for population. 10-12; roll for population as normal).
  • Government: Re-roll 6s, multi-system states and colony worlds do not exist. If pop 0, government 0.
  • Law Level: Roll as normal. If pop 0, law 0.
  • Starport: Roll for starport as per normal. Re-roll military base presence if confirmed. Cannot have Scout Base, Re-roll corsair base presence if unconfirmed.
  • Tech-Level: Roll as normal. If pop 0, tech 0.
Generate trade classifictions as per Travellerwiki, with additional Cr (Corsair) category for worlds that confirmed a roll for a pirate base. Lt (low-tech) category for inhabited worlds of TL less than 6, and Ht (high-tech) category for worlds of TL more than 11.
Regional Rules
  • Pardian/Wild Frontier (Coreward of Sol): Roll for Pardian presence if planet size is 8 or less, atmosphere is very thin, thin, standard (including tainted variants), or exotic and hydrography is 5 or greater. 2d 10+ Pardian world confirmed. If Pardian world increase technology by 4 to a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 18 (0 pop, run a ruins tech of 1d+14). Add An Trade classification.
  • Rift Frontier (Spinward of Sol): No unusual conditions.
  • Quiet Frontier (Antispinward of Sol): No Unusual Condition
  • Jred Frontier (Rimward of Sol): Roll for Jred presence. 1-3; No Jred, 4-9 Jred presence. -2 pop. Add Jr Tradd classification. 10-12 Jred infestation. Atmosphere must be type F (Exotic/Jred Spores), -6 pop. Add Ji trade classification.


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