Neuve Lorraine Sector

A sector near the Jred Frontier the Neuve Lorraine Sector is host to a handful of states and many many dead worlds. Neuve Lorraine was one of the more prosperous of the Rimward Sectors and did manage to survive the the Jred Scourge. However most of its Rimward periphery was utterly devastated by the Scourge with only a scattered remnant of survivors clinging to life. The Neuve Lorraine Sector has since become a substantial hub of activity with a major Post-Cataclysm religion, Castrism coming from this region.   The Neuve Lorraine Sector is home to two interstellar states, one of these is the Dromedary Republic a fiercely independent realm built on the principals of strength and resilience in the face of a hostile universe. The other is the Socialist Republic of Romantia, a Stelsoc State that has developed independently of other states such as Yuanjing. In addition to these two states there are handful of independent systems, systems that are extremely dedicated survivalists, and who are defensive and protective of their independence.   The Neuve Lorraine is the most heavily populated of the sectors close to the Jred Frontier. There are thirty three star systems in the Neuve Lorraine Sector, twenty-three of which are currently inhabited. Worlds are scattered in a few clusters and independent systems, with the bulk lying closer to the Rimward reaches than the Coreward reaches. The Neuve Lorraine Sector is bordered by two frontier sectors, the Rift Frontier on its Spinward Border, and the Jred Frontier on the Rimward Frontier. Corward of it is the Fracana Sector, and counterspinward lies the Gemini Sector.


  • Neuve Lorraine Sector Map
    A map of the Neuve Lorraine Sector, a truly Post-Cataclysm society.
Star System Sector


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